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Хорижий филология  №3, 2019 йил

                                                    C O N T E N T S


            Xolbekov M. Thoughts over theory of translation. ............................................................................. 5
            Daniyarov B. The problem of lexic synonyms in national corps of the Uzbek language. ................. 9
            Kiselyov D. Anaphoric unit as a marker of discursive significance of a text segment. .................... 13
            Amriddinova D. Importance of the spiritual heritage of jadidism in the education of the
            young generation. ............................................................................................................................... 19
            Mamatkulova X. Comparative analysis of the works of Asian-American literature. ...................... 22
            Asadov R. Analysis of valency components in structural syntax. .................................................... 27
            Shamakhmudova A. Classification of indirect speech acts expressed in interrogative
            form in Spanish discourse. ................................................................................................................. 36
            Tuychiyeva G. Spesificity of aruz: some points of research. ........................................................... 45
            Nurmatov S. On some phonetic processes in the formation of numerals in the
            Indo-Aryan Languages. ...................................................................................................................... 51
            Daniyeva M. Contextual concordance of semantic expressions and their esthetic-
            emotional influence on description of lingual world picture. ............................................................ 57
            Baxronova  D. Concept and conceptshpere in lingual world picture. .............................................. 62


            Yusupov O. Lingual-cultural analysis of the English lexical doublets. ............................................ 69
            Tursunova N. The earlier creation of Albert Camus. ....................................................................... 74
            Norova M. Connotative meanings in the pronunciation of speech sounds. ...................................... 80
            Minnikulov I. Pragmatic approach to the study of the expression of conditionals in linguistics. .... 85
            Davronova M. Phrazeological units as important means of formation of artistic  images  in
             works by sadriddin ayni. ................................................................................................................... 89
            Mirzoyev X. Innovation Sayfi Bukhari in the gazelle genre of the 15  century. ............................. 94
            Nurmuxamedova M. Meaning distinctive features of supersegment prosodic elements
            in comparison of different structural languages (on the example of phonetic system of
            Russian, Uzbek and Chinese languages)............................................................................................ 99
            Hakimova D. The peculiarities of implementing semes analysis for differentiating
            compound military terms from phraseologisms of military discourse. ........................................... 108
            Ibrohimova D. Motivation of personalities‘ names in the English language. ................................ 113
            Axmedova M. Lingual technology of formation of future doctor‘s professional
            communicative competence in foreign language. ............................................................................ 117
            Muxitdinova V. The interrelations of space and time in the literary world of James Joyce‘s
            novel ―A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man‖. ............................................................................ 122
            Fayzullayeva U. From the history of studying Virginia Woolf‘s creative works in English
            and American literature. ................................................................................................................... 127
            Gaybullayeva N. Lingual-cultural aspect of the language of medical sphere. ............................... 133
            Majitova S. Traditional methods of investigation and modern principles in the language of
            classical poetry. ................................................................................................................................ 138
            Safarova Z. An article on the subject "The national cultural path of stylistic tools in English and
            Uzbek" .............................................................................................................................................. 146

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