Page 86 - 1-сон 2020 йил
P. 86

Хорижий филология  №1, 2020 йил

                  6.   Munro H.H. The Brogue / Collection of short stories. Completed by Brandukova M.A. ,
            Novikova  L.A. – Moscow:  International Relations Institute, Publishing House,1960. –157 p.
                  7.  Maugham W.S. The  Rain and other short stories. – Moscow: Progress, 1977. – 408 p.
                  8.  Maugham W.S. The Moon and Sixpence. – Moscow:Progress,1972. – 240 p.
                  9.   Phillip Margolin. The burning man. – First published in Great Britain in
                  10.  Stephen  Greenleaf.  The Ditto list. Printed and bound in Great Britain by Hazell Watson
            and Viney Limited, 1985. – 383 p.
                  11.  Shaw B. Pygmalion. – Moscow, Higher School, 1972.-140 p.
                  12.  Wilde O. Selections from Oscar Wilde, 1-2 vol-es.- Moscow, Progress, 1979.- 835 p.

                  Oblokulova  M.  Syntactic-semantic  content  of  Participle  II  in  the  sentence  structure  of
            English  language.  The  given  article  is  devoted  to  the  identification  of  the  syntactic-semantic
            content of Participle II in different positions: nuclear predicating, nuclear predicated, unnuclear
            predicating  components  in  the  structure  of  the  sentence.  The  research  presents  a  systematic-
            complex analysis of English sentences. In the result of the analysis of Participle II, it is revealed
            that  this  non-finite  form  of  the  verb  in  the  position  of  the  nuclear  predicated  component  in  the
            structure  of  the  sentence  is  very  rare  and  in  this  position,  Participle  II  is  implemented  in  the
            combination  with  possessive  pronouns  or  definite  article.  Thus,  Participle  II  can  express  the
            substantial  syntaxeme,  established  on  the  basis  of  the  nuclear  predicative  connection;  the
            substantial  syntaxeme  may  have  additional  non-categorical  signs:  agentivity,  actionality  and
                  Облокулова  М.  Инглиз  тили  гап  структурасида  сифатдош  II  нинг  синтактик  -
            семантик мазмуни. Ушбу мақола сифатдош IIнинг синтаксик-семантик жиҳатдан ҳар хил
            ҳолатларда:  ядровий    предикатлашган,  ядровий  предикатлашувчи,  ядровий  бўлмаган
            копонентларнинг гап тузилишида пайдо бўлишига бағишланган. Мақолада инглиз тилидаги
            гапнинг  тизимли  таҳлили  келтирилган.  Сифатдош  IIни  пайдо  бўлишини  таҳлил  қилиш
            натижалари,  бу  феълнинг  шахссиз  ҳолати  ядровий  предикатлашувчи  компоненти  гап
            тузилишида жуда кам учрайди ва сифатдош IIнинг бундай ҳолати эгалик  сифатлари  ёки
            аниқ  артикль  билан  бирикиши  орқали  амалга  ошади.  Шундай  қилиб,  сифатдош  II
            субстанциал  синтаксемани  ифодалайди,  ядровий  предикатив  асос  ёрдамида  алоқа
            ўрнатилади,  агентив,  акционал  ва  объект  субстанциал  синтаксемада  қўшимча
            нокатегориал белгиларга эга бўлади.

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