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Хорижий филология                                                                        №2, 2018 йил

                                                       C O N T E N T S


                  XolbekovM., Mamarasulova G. The formation of imagination in the English literature .. .... 5
                  Ashurov Sh. The role of culture in foreign language teaching................................ ................10
                  Madjidova R.  Human as a subject of linguistics researches ………………… ........... ……..15
                  Karchibaeva U. Germain de Stael as the founder of French romanticism...............................20
                  Nasrullaeva N. Indication of man’s marital status in the English and Uzbek phraseology . ...25
                  Shomurodova Sh. The role of innovational devices in the reformation of educational
            process...................................................................................................................................... ..........30
                  Ayjun U. About the obstacles in translation of nonverbal means in literature ………… .. ….34
                  Tkachyova A. Demonstration of mortal sins in the “A good love book” by Khouan Ruisse  42
                  Jurakulov R. On peculiarities of phraseology in the Uzbek folk tales …………… .... ……..47
                  Normurodova N. Cognitive propositional structure of dual concept as a verbalizer of author’s
            linguistic. personality............................................................................................................. ............52


                  Xonxujayeva  A.  Traditional  peculiarities  of  wedding-parties  of  Tadjiks  living  in
            Samarkand…………………………………………………………………………… ............. …….59
                  Rasulov  N.  The  interpretation  of  the  image  in  literary  translation  (on  the  example  of  the

            translation of the novel “The Gadfly” by E. L. Voynich into Russian and Uzbek)............ ...............63
                  Xurramova Z. Follower of classic traditions............................................................ ..............66
                  Shodiyev S. Syntactic derivation of phraseologycal units………………………… .. ……….71
                  Nasirdinova Yo. Folk tales and legends of Middle Asia in Remi Dor’s interpretation… …..76
                  Mirzohidova L. Allegoricalness in pre-Islam Turkic literature ……………………… …….80
                  Khusanov D. Specifics of the chronotope in the lyrical and epic genus……………… . ……84
                  Axmedova D. The diversity and multiplicity of the content of the “qit’a” (sonnet) of
            Shatrange Samarkandi.........................................................................................................................88
                  Muminov N. The pragmatic linguistic turnover  in modern philosophy....................... ..........92
                  Ulmasov Sh. Mass media as a main means of influence on people’s mind………..………96
                  Sobirov A. Pragmatic peculiarities of word order........................................................ ..........101
                  Сапаева С. Метафораларнинг когнитив назарияси…………………………… ………..106
                  Pardayeva I. Anushervon symbol of justice. ........................................................................ 109

                  YOUTH TRIBUNE

                  Ismatova Yu. The role of translator’s personality in transferring a literary work into another
            national sphere………………………………………………………………………… . …………113

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