Page 5 - 3-son 2018 yil
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Хорижий филология  №3, 2018 йил

                                                    C O N T E N T S

            Xolbekov M. Promotion of translation literature and topical issues of qualified translators . .............5
            Safarov Sh. Interpreter as a linguist .. ..................................................................................................9
            Risaeva O. Aspectual situations of combinations with limited functional verb finden in the
            modern German language...................................................................................................................21
            Turniyazov B. Causative connotation and its analysis in linguistics. ...............................................25
            Mirsanov G.  Referential features of temporality .............................................................................30
            Urinbayeva D., Xo’jamkulov A. Stylistic peculiarities of adverbs ............................................33
            Chuponov O. Superscript marks over vowels in cursive manuscripts of embassy books on
            Russia's relations with Khiva and Bukhara XVII ..............................................................................37
            Djumabaeva J., Murodova N. Cognitive aspects of enantiosemy in heterogeneous
            system languages. ...............................................................................................................................43


            Shermatov A. Тhe pragmatic properties of deictic footnotes in scientific texts ...............................48
            Kim S. Lexical elements as means of communication on the construction of complex sentences. ..51
            Mamirova D. Some important features about the text of advertisement ..........................................56
            Aslanova H. In the work of Gadoi, the peculiar expression of rhymes‘ form. .................................60
            Abdurakhmonova N., Tuliyev U. Morphological analysis by finite state transducer for
            uzbek-english machine translation.....................................................................................................64
            Mavlonova N. Typological problems of phrasal units . .....................................................................71
            Mirzoyev X. The cole of Shams KaysRoziy in the development of XIII-XV centuries Persian-
            Tajik and uzbek ruz studiy.................................................................................................................74
            Kayumov O. The Shamon conquests are the folklore genre .............................................................79
            Gafarova Z. The Criteria of Communicative defining of Sentence Structure ..................................86
            Davlatova M. Causal-resultative constractions of the English language ..........................................90
            Muminova A. The  aspectual semantics of the  verb gehen – to go ..................................................93
            Kuchkorova S. About the study of European and Uzbek folk tales.................................................97

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