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Хорижий филология. №1, 2018 йил

                                                   FOREIGN LANGUAGE

                                                        Nasirova R.A.
                                                  Senior teacher of SamSIFL

                    Key  words:  writing  activities,  reading  activities,  writing  in  teaching,  written  speech,
                    The letter in the methodical plan for a     seen by 30%, recorded by 50%, pronouncing
            long  time  was  considered  a  "Cinderella         by  70%,  while  learning  another  by  90%.
            method"     and   was    almost   completely        Psychologists  believe  that  oral  speech  is  the
            eliminated from  the learning process,  which,      basis  of  written  speech.  Both  speaking  and
            according  to  E.I.  Passov,  was  a  strategic     writing can be traced from the intention (what
            miscalculation [3,12]. In recent years, the role    to say) to the selection of the necessary means
            of  writing  in  learning  a  foreign  language  is   (what  words  are  necessary,  how  to  combine
            gradually increasing, and, in a sense, the letter   them  in  the  utterance),  and  before  the
            is  beginning  to  be  seen  as  a  reserve  in     realization of the idea by means of language
            improving  the  effectiveness  of  teaching  a      orally or in writing.As you know, the letter is
            foreign  language.  One  cannot  ignore  the        closely  connected  with  reading.  In  their
            practical  importance  of  written  speech          system  there  is  one  graphical  system  of
            communication in the light of modern means          language.  When  writing,  the  coding  or
            of  communication,  such  as  e-mail,  the          encryption of thought is carried out with the
            Internet, etc. In the latter case, the letter as a   help of graphic symbols, while reading - their
            type  of  speech  communication  develops  on       coding  or  decoding.  If  you  correctly
            the  basis  of  only  authentic  material.  Foreign   determine  the  goals  of  writing,  consider  the
            internships for students, graduate students and     role  of  writing  in  the  development  of  other
            young scientists  assume the ability to  record     skills,  use  exercises  that  are  completely
            in a foreign language, compose and complete         appropriate  for  the  purpose,  perform  these
            a    questionnaire,   answer    questionnaire       exercises at the appropriate stage of training,
            questions, write an application for admission       then oral speech gradually becomes richer and
            to  study  or  work,  write  a  short  or  expanded   more logical.The letter plays an auxiliary role
            autobiography,  write  personal  or  business       in  developing  a  grammatical  skill,  when
            letters  using  the  form  speech  etiquette  of    performing written tasks from simple copying
            native  speakers,  including  the  form  of         to  tasks  that  require  a  creative  approach,
            business etiquette.                                 which  creates  the  necessary  conditions  for
                     Writing   and    writing    in   the       memorization. Without reliance on the letter,
            methodology  of  teaching  a  foreign  language     it  is  difficult  for  students  to  retain  in  their
            are  not  only  a  means  of  teaching,  but  more   memory  lexical  and  grammatical  material.
            and  more  as  a  goal  of  teaching  a  foreign    Written  speech  is  regarded  as  a  creative
            language. A letter is a technical component of      communicative skill, understood as the ability
            written  speech.  Written  speech  along  with      to  present  in  writing  their  thoughts.  To  do
            speaking    is   the   so-called   productive       this, one must have spelling and calligraphic
            (expressive)  type  of  speech  activity  and  is   skills,  the ability to  construct  and arrange in
            expressed in the fixation of certain content by     writing  a  speech  work  composed  in  internal
            graphic  signs.  The  psychophysical  basis  of     speech,  as  well  as  the  ability  to  choose
            written speech is the interaction of the motor,     adequate  lexical  and  grammatical  units.  The
            visual  and  auditory-analytical  analyzers.  The   teaching  of  written  speech  includes  various
            reliance  on  all  analyzers  in  training  gives  a   kinds  of  speech  exercises:  speech  exercises
            much     greater    effect.   According    to       for  teaching  writing;  writing  and  speech
            psychologists,   the    material   heard   is       exercises  for  working  with  printed  text;
            assimilated by 10%, seen by 20%, heard and          writing and speech exercises, conditioned by

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