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Хорижий филология. №1, 2018 йил
the process of reading, listening and speaking. drawing up one's own opinion, position. All
Written speech exercises for working with exercises are performed in writing. Interest, in
printed text, in addition to the exercises our opinion, is, for example, such tasks:
known to all, can contain, as E.A. Maslyko - restore the beginning and end of
[2,26] thinks, the following: history;
- rewrite the text, excluding from it - restore the dialogue on individual
minor words and sentences; "guiding" replicas;
- write a written message to a potential, - change the appearance of the text
real or imaginary addressee, using the content (message to the conversation, dialogue to the
of the letter; description);
- prepare a plan-summary of the oral - describe the ambiguous situation in
presentation, using a selection of texts on the different texts and dialogues;
topic or problem. - explain the contradiction between
In reading (viewing, familiarizing, textual and illustrative information;
studying) interest is, in the opinion of E.A. - answer the letter with a letter,
Maslyko, written exercises like: telephone conversation, conversation, etc.;
- find in the text and write out the - choose keywords that lead to a certain
necessary information; pre-known result, and others.
- make a written review of the topic or G. Neiner believes that for creative
problem, using different sources in a foreign writing, business texts of an informational
language; nature can be used. Students are asked
- make annotations for the articles of the questions of a personal nature, for example:
special journal (collection); How important is the information received for
- by analogy with the article (its me? How does my world differ from the world
structure), prepare material for the intended of my peer abroad? Why do these differences
publication in a special journal; exist? Do not forget the three most important
- in the process of reading the literature conditions for the introduction of creative
(texts), make written notes for subsequent writing: the purpose of learning, principles,
work with the material. methods and methods of teaching, as well as
In the perception of foreign speech by educational control. Thus, to teach to record
ear (listening), students can make notes: 1) oral speech, including how to write personal
compose a summary of the audio text and business letters, fill out questionnaires,
according to a preplanned plan (for write a short and expanded autobiography,
keywords); 2) make notes to the printed application for employment or study, etc. - all
reference signals while listening to the audio this is the main purpose of teaching a letter
text; 3) in accordance with the given that also plays a supporting role in teaching
communicative situation (task), extract reading, speaking, grammar, vocabulary.
information from the audio text and write it Where can I get time? As E.I. Passov [3,35],
down. one should remember about such a reserve as
The ability to present your thoughts in a homework, which, regardless of the goal,
a written language in a foreign language the trainees perform first of all in writing,
should be developed consistently and beginning with the recording of words and
constantly. To solve this problem, there are ending with a retelling or a message on the
number of reproductive and productive topic. All that must be said in the lesson must
exercises. Exercises offered, for example, by first be recorded in writing; letter, believes
the German methodologist Gerhard Neiner E.I. Passov, it is worth doing, because the
[4,21], are composed in a certain sequence time is paid off.
from simple to complex, from reproduction to
1. Бим И.Л., Пассов Е.И. Книга для учителя (10 класс). – М., 1996.