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Хорижий филология №3, 2019 йил
and human activity. is a tool that is used to 5 In the fall when the rains came the
deliberately reinforce and exaggerate the leaves all fell from the rains come the leaves
aesthetically positive or negative impact of all fell from the chestnut trees and the
the reality expressed by the speaker or writer branches were bare and the trunks black with
on the listener or reader. rain.
1. In the bad of the river were pebbles Kuz kirib, yomg‟ir ketidan yomg‟ir
and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and quyib bergach, kashtanlarning yaproqlari
the water was clear and swiftly moving and duv-duv to‟kildilarda, shohlari qip-
blue in the channels. yalang‟och bo‟lib qoldilar, daraxtlarning
Daryoning o‟zagi oftobda oqargan, tepalari yomg‟irdan qorayib ketdi.
quruq qayrag‟ochlar va mayda shag‟al bilan The available literature on the field so
qoplagan, daryo shahobchalarida esa suv far, published in 1983 by A. Shomakssudov,
tip-tiniq va ko‟m-ko‟k bo‟lib, sho‟h I. Rasulov, R. Kungurov, H. Rustamov, "0
shaldirab olib borazdi. 'Uzbek stylistics, and R. Kungurov, published
2.Troops went by the house and down in 1992. , E. Begmatov, Y. Tadjiev's
the road and the dust they raised powdered Theoretical part of the textbook "0 'Uzbek
the leaves if the trees. stylistics" - "Stylistics as a science",
Kulba oldidagi yo‟ldan qo‟shinlar o‟tib "Stylistics of speech" and "Linguistic
borar ularning oyog‟idan ko‟tarilgan to‟zon stylistics" Candidates of philological sciences,
yog‟ochlarning barglariga o‟tirardi. "Syntactic figures", "Tropes", associate
3.“The trunks of the trees too were professor Saodat Sultansaidova, all exercises
dusty and the leaves fell early that year and and tests of practical exercises are prepared
we saw the troops marching along the road by the candidate of philological sciences,
and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the associate professor 0lah Sharipova.
breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and In addition, Galperin IR, Arnold IV,
afterwards the road bare and white except for Bobokhonova LT, Mirtojiev M.,
the leaves” Kuchkortoyev IR, Kilichev ER, Zasursky
Ogohlarning shoxlari ham rangga Ya.N., Sukarenko R., Nikolayev A.,
burkangandi, o‟sha yili yaproqlar erta Menshova I., Nabakov V., Azimov K.,
to‟kila boshlagandi, biz bo‟lsa, yo‟ldan Kayumov O., Izzat Sultan, Boltaboev H.,
qo‟shinlarning o‟tib borishini, chang- Katheryn Van Spanckeren, Lehan Richard,
to‟zonning ko‟kka o‟rmalashini, shamol Pizer Donald, Helen Dreiser, Menken H.L.,
yaproqlarni yulkib-sulkib o‟girib Galperin IR by Stylistics, Arnold I.V. of
ketayotganini, soldatlarning odimlarini, "Stylistics of the Soviet Union",
so‟ng esa kimsasiz, bo‟m-bo‟sh tuproq Bobokhonova L.T. English Stylistics.
yo‟lda yolg‟iz yaproqlargina to‟kilib In summary, in the style of artistic
yotishini tomosha qilardik. prose, several stylistic expressions express
4.Sometimes in the dark he heard the their functions in a single phrase, that is,
troops marching under the window and guns combine several stylistics with one phrase.
going past pulled by motor-tractors. According to M. Rifatter, this combination of
Ba‟zida qorong‟uda derazadan stylistic methods is called convergence. At the
qo‟shinlarning o‟tib borishini, to‟p- same time, each style is influenced by another
to‟pxonalar tortib kelayotganini eshitib style.
1. Arnold G.V. Stylistics современного английского языка / stylistics decodirovaniya / 2-e.
L., Prosveshchenie, 1981.
2. Galperin I.R. Stylistics M. 1980.
3. Mokhorovsky A.N. i dr. Stylistics Kiev, High School, 1984.