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Хорижий филология №3, 2019 йил
Uzbek, stylistic possibilities of word Stylistics is inextricably linked to language
categories, Horse, expressive word formation norms. Stylistics, in turn, is divided into
and stylistic use of words, stylistic functions functional stylistics, stylistics of linguistic
of genitive forms and plurality, stylistic units, text stylistics, fiction (artistic speech)
functions of adjectives, specific use of quality Stylistics, applied stylistics, comparative
levels, stylistic functions of styles, stylistic stylistics, historical style, and style.
restrictions on the use of artifacts, stylistic Functional Stylistics studies and
functions of verbs and times. also includes. characterizes the stratification of literary
The classification of circular styles in language on the basis of historically formed
English and Uzbek, the further stratification forms (functional units of styles), that is, the
of the language, the notion of language system of styles, the regularities of the
norms, and the individual individual style and structural structure of the system. Functional
norm, the national norm and dialect neutral Stylistics develops the general principles of
style and manner of speech, literary discourse, typological classification and separation of
and literary discourse. We analyze the the basic functional methodological units of
concepts of public speaking. literary language as the subject of theoretical
Speaking of stylistic tools, we must research.
remember that the impact and strength of any Linguistic units Stylistics in literary
stylistic method are different. Sometimes one language examines the use (application) of all
method can be emotionally powerful and levels of units in terms of the existing
sometimes weak, such as outdated, urgent language norms in normal speech situations,
stylistic methods, and vivid stylistic methods in different spiritual and expressive texts. It is
(genuine), while in the style of artistic prose, important to summarize the methodological
several stylistic pulses do their part. ), that is, color of variants of linguistic units (variant
several stylistic methods come together in one forms, parallel structures, dictionary and
sentence. According to M. Rifatter, this syntactic synonyms). Linguistic unit stylistics
combination of stylistic methods is called is directly related to functional stylistics on
convergence. At the same time, each style is the one hand, and text on the other is very
influenced by a different style. close to stylistics.
Stylistics is an integral part of Fiction Stylistics examines how
linguistics, a subject that studies the art of language has become an art phenomenon in
expressing speech, their impact, and the literature, and identifies ways in which fiction
human speech in general. can be combined with aesthetic and
Examining the linguistic styles of communicative functions. Fiction Stylistics is
linguistics, exploring the nature and only concerned with the study of the
peculiarities of functional folding in terms of peculiarities of the writer's use of the
synchronicity and diachronicity in language, the peculiarities of the language of
lexicalfrazeological, phonetic, morphological, the work. It helps identify the function of
word-formation and syntactic levels. and a language, which is an essential element of
network that describes the methods. The style, but does not include all the features of
stylistics examines the spiritual and the language of the work. Often one issue is
expressive sensitivities of parallel synonymic the study of stylistics and literary criticism.
expressions, the interrelated variants of Artistic Stylistics seeks to determine the
linguistic units. These options allow them to aesthetic function of language material in a
choose what is needed for a particular speech particular artistic system. Therefore, the most
situation. important research topic in S. fida is the
Contemporary Stylistics is interpreted writer and the language of a particular artistic
differently in different linguistic directions work, ie the problem of individual style is at
and schools, but each perspective has its own the forefront. By analyzing the language of a
objective, because of the versatility of the particular work, general conclusions are
style, which is the main subject of Stylistics. drawn, identifying the specifics of several