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Хорижий филология №3, 2019 йил
Safarova Zarina Giyosovna,
UzSWLU teacher
Key words: Stylistics, linguistic, scientific, classification, metaphor, metonymy.
At a time when our country has been stylistics The individual style of the writer,
cooperating with highly developed countries the stylistics of the author and the stylistics of
in economic, cultural, scientific and the perception, the word and its possibilities
technological fields, professionals in all areas as a system of language codes, the meaning of
of our daily lives can read and understand the word. illuminating the meaning of
English-speaking texts of all genres, including denotative and conventional. Stylistic
foreign languages. however, it also requires Conotypes. The semantic structure of the
that they be able to write relevant texts in all word, the interrelation of correct and portable
fields. Therefore, along with the grammar, meanings, the stylistic vocabulary
vocabulary, and phonetics of the English stratification, the stylistic synonyms, and their
language, it is necessary to know its style, ie conformity with the literary language norms
stylistics. are deeply explored throughout the research.
It is used in everyday social, political, Irony is a word game. The book and the
economic, cultural, moral, legal and scientific phrase are expressions of phraseology,
dialogue; the vocabulary, the scope of the stylistic painted phraseological units,
expression, the written and oral forms are phraseological units.
changing and expanding. The rules, The Semantic Structure of the
procedures, and methods of their use are also Statement - Morphological and syntactic
being diversified. forms of the metaphor in the literary text, the
It aims to familiarize with stylistic work common denominator, the resemblance and
in English stylistics, American and Uzbek the distinction between the words, Structural
linguistics, and to highlight current issues in Implications: Articulation.
contemporary linguistics. How to use English One of the most widely used stylistic
stylistic riches, stylistic norms and variants in tools in English and Uzbek is the metonymy
various fields of communication. gives us and its classification, the use of different
some information. The objectives of the styles of metonymy, and the contrast between
course are to develop an understanding of the contextual metonymy. It is an attempt to find
national features of the use of English important solutions to research and analyzes
language tools, as well as provide information of synecdoxa, anatomy, peripheral,
on the national features of the functional perturbation, euphemisms and cynicism.
English language system. Stylistic functions of different sentences
The relationship between English and in English and Uzbek. Incomplete and
Uzbek stylistics with other humanities. incomplete structures. Elliptical sentences.
connection of stylistics with literary studies, Syntactic parallelism and syntactic repetitions
formation of stylistics as independent / anaphora, epiphora, antite, zevgma /.
linguistic science, main ways of development Stylistic functions of word order.
of stylistics in modern national and foreign Phonetic means in the artistic structure
linguistics, priority of functional aspect in the of speech, Ringtones, sounds, pauses,
development of modern stylistics, purpose velocities, Author phonetic tools. Alliteration,
and role of stylistics, language stylistics and rhyming, measurement, stylistic functions of
speech stylistics literary stylistics, normative words, stylistic multiple meanings of
stylistics and its relation to analytical grammatical norm / norm in English and