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Хорижий филология №4, 2019 йил
financially. But, why in such a difficult time man”. He readily agrees that it is to blame, it
he was left alone? This question is easy to is unclear how, but it is to blame for the fact
answer: it is important not material assistance, that he lost his human form. How humbly did
but the ability to give good advice in a he accept his fate as a little imperceptible
difficult hour for a person, to support morally. human, just so humbly took Gregor and
This is what he needed after the loneliness, pain and death. Almost the
transformation into a vermin. Gregor, having protocol accuracy with which Kafka describes
lost his human form, preserved a living the scene of death is more shocking than the
human soul under a hideous shell. Gregor, volumes of high and lofty words. Suddenly,
from the first minute of his transformation up on the morning of the usual day, he realized
to the end, even inside himself, does not rise that he, Gregor, was no more existed. And
up, and not demand his rights. On the everything disappeared: a loving family
contrary, he feels guilty, tries not to come disappears, work, the goal of life - everything
near his family, not to frighten them, not to for which he lived for and fought. He became
shock them and secretly hopes that someday helpless. Now he cannot earn money, he
he will regain his former appearance and cannot talk, he feels disgusting. But this is not
become useful to the family. his tragedy. He was left alone, alone in the
Conclusion whole world - this is the tragedy of the hero.
Kafka’s The Metamorphosis shows how Each of us has people we love, there are
the protagonist is being estranged from the people who love us, and there are people who
people around them because of the outer part we need. Gregor Samsa, also had such people,
of the individual, which is his physical but with him a misfortune happened and all
appearance. Generally, Gregor is a “little turned away from him.
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Obloqulov D. F.Kafkaning “Aylanish” romanida kichik odamning fojiasi. Ushbu ishning
maqsadi Kafkaning "Evrilish” asarida Gregorning fojiasini ko'rib chiqishdir. Asar - bu kichik
insonning dramatizatsiyasi, Gregorning ichki dunyosi, Kafka tomonidan tasvirlangan dunyo ongsiz
dunyosi. Biz bu erda bizning ezilgan irodamiz, hissiyot va mojarolarning ongsiz dunyosini
aniqlashimiz mumkin. Nega u yolg'iz va tushkunlikka tushishga moyil? Gregor bahaybat