Page 122 - 4-2019
P. 122
Хорижий филология №4, 2019 йил
Oblokulov Dilshod,
PhD student, Shanghai University
Key words: Kafka, Metamorphosis, tragedy, unconscious, dramatization, little man
Introduction different kinds of relations among the
The novel Metamorphosis was written members of the family which deals with the
by Franz Kafka in 1912 and published in protagonist’s tragedy in personal level.
1915. It tells the story of the tragedy of The novel begins with the
Gregor Samsa, who turned into a gigantic description of how Gregor Samsa awoke in
insect but still possessed a human mind. Here his bed and discovered he had turned into
is a typical “little man”. A complete person is a monstrous insect or vermin 20 [Lawson,
a harmonious combination of body and 1960]. The author emphasizes the most
spiritual factors. If it is corrupted, then arises horrible fact for Gregor is not becoming an
a question about reality and individual insect, but how he had missed the train and
personality. But, this kind of situation being late for work “before it strikes a quarter
permanently involves a tragedy with it: at first, past seven, whatever happens, he must be
on a personal level which is not easy to give completely out of bed”.[Kafka, 1985: 9] The
explanation, then general psychology of the author’s creative writing makes reader to
humanity and last a social one. The people search for deeper meaning in text.
want their family to love and support them In the Metamorphosis Kafka does not
during times of need but if the unable to mention how and why does Gregor
develop this bond their family members, they transforms all of a sudden into a vermin. He
tend to feel alone and depressed. Kafka gets up from a troubled dream and he sees
describes the theme of alienation and its himself transformed into a horrible vermin.
negative effect on people and their Let’s pay attention to one of the
relationships with the people around them. commentators, Paul Landsberg’s observes
After Gregor’s metamorphosis, or that when one fall asleep in an unfamiliar
transformation, he turned from a human being environment, they often experience a moment
into a giant beetle which makes him more and of confusion when one wake up, a feeling of
more distant from the people in his life. unreality, and such experience can happen to
I. Tragedy in Personal level the traveling salesman many times, given his
The word tragedy became a popular type way of life, which destroys every feeling of
of drama in literature dealing with the continuity of being”[Barfi et al., 2013] (2,
the problems of a central character, in some p.337). Here, human impressions still
tragedies end in death, some in destruction, interfere with the new instinct of the insect.
and some in chaos, but whatever the situation, His physical appearance makes him confused
the protagonist almost always accepts but still, he thinks like a person. Gregor found
responsibility for his mistakes and fights for a changes in his voice when his family
larger cause. At the individual level, the loss members called him. “Gregor was shocked
of intergenerational communication and when he heard his own voice answering; he
continuity is a personal tragedy. Usually, a hardly recognizes his voice that he had had
person of importance and outstanding before” (Kafka, 2018). Even the family
personal qualities, falls to disaster through the
combination of a personal failing and 20 Insect is symbol in English “insect” likewise lacks
circumstances with which he or she cannot the emotional impact disgusting unpleasantness of
deal. In Metamorphosis Kafka created Ungeziefer (in German), and the use of former imputes
to Kafka a symbolic poverty.