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Хорижий филология  №4, 2019 йил

            with other people. Gregor’s metamorphosis           animate creature, hence, Gregor’s human
            separates him from the human race  as  it           existence from the point of view of the
            makes him no longer human. Essentially, he          external, business world is completed. Gregor
            has become totally isolated from everyone           sacrifices for all the family and home world is
            around him, including those people he cares         also rejects him [Nuopponen, n.d.]
            for like his sister Grete and his mother.                  Gregor understand that he is not need
                  III. Social rejection                         to anybody any more. More he felt his
                  However, social rejection can occur           uselessness in his parents’ house  and he
            when an individual is  deliberately excluded        became weaker. It’s very hard to feel that you
            from     a social   relationship.   Although        are not like everyone else, and therefore even
            individuals are social beings, some level of        your relatives  turn away from  you. It  is
            rejection is an inevitable part of life.[London     painful to realize that  you  complicate and
            et al., 2007]  It includes such as interpersonal    make the unbearable life of your loved ones.
            rejection and also, familial estrangement.          But, it’s even more painful to think that they
                  A person can be rejected by individuals       hate  you, not  even  wanting to see an ugly
            or an entire  group of people. Kafka’s  novel       creature. Greta’s words are finished him that
            Metamorphosis is based on the subtlest image        he whom loved so much: “We must try to get
            of the change of feelings within the family.        rid of him [...]  If it  were Gregor, he would
            As the mother and sister lose hope  of the          have realized long ago that it’s impossible for
            reverse transformation of Gregor, his father’s      human being to live with such a creature, and
            hatred for him  grows. Gregor kept his              he would have gone away of his free will”.
            personal feeling and thinking. Realizing that       (49) Gregor realized needless to anyone in the
            nobody is interested in his state mind and          whole world.  Lying in darkness, he
            nobody wanted to know  –  whether he                “remembered with love” about his family. He
            understand others? He has no social life and        was now  even more than a sister,  convinced
            little happiness. But, what is proven through       that he should disappear. So, he lay until the
            his transformation is that the rest of the family   bells on the tower struck the third hour of the
            is perfectly  capable of work. As a matter of       morning and his thoughts were pure and meek
            fact, they thrive despite Gregor’s infirmity.       (51).
            Gregor’s transformation into an insect is a                Kafka described in  great detail the
            sign of isolation, alienation, conflict with        bullying of his father over the poor creature
            family and society.                                 that his son turned into. And it seems to me
                    In    the    Kafka’s     novel    the       that in describing the physical pain of his
            metamorphosis occurs both in the first              unhappy hero, the writer tried to show his
            sentence of the text  “As Gregor awoke one          moral catastrophe.  I think that these  “ugly
            morning and found himself transformed in his        spots”  were not formed on the door and
            bed into a  gigantic insect” and in the last        incurable wounds opened up in Gregor’s
            scene of the story, which describes Grete’s         clean soul. And not the body of the hero was
            transformation into a woman blooming and            bleeding but the soul that felt at the same time
            stretching   toward    the   family’s   “new        refused to understand the behaviour of the
            dreams”[Kafka,1985, 77]  once Gregor has            father, sister, and mother.
            been transformed into garbage. The image of                Perhaps, each of us has such moments,
            the gender neutrality emerges when Gregor is        when you feel yourself no needs to anybody.
            referred to as a “thing” an “it.” At beginning      Many of the psychologists call this tragedy of
            scene of the novel  Gregor  falls off the bed       a little man in the modern world [...]  I
            with a knock, the manager behind the closed         probably agree with this statement. After all,
            door of the next  room says: “Something has         it’s so hard to find real, live people, with
            fallen there”. (9) At the end scene “It’s dead,”    whom you can share your thoughts, listen to
            the charwoman announces. “It’s lying here           other people’s problems and not to feel alone.
            dead and done for!”.[Straus, 1989: 660] Here,       It seems that the main character of this novel
            “something” - so the people do not say about        had both parents and a sister, whom he helped

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