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P. 124

Хорижий филология  №4, 2019 йил

                  II. Psychological estrangement                gets rid of his last connection to reality  and
                   A    literary  theme     Psychological       the outside world. Both women gather their
            estrangement deals with depersonalization           courage and go inside. Gregor hides under the
            and derealisation and estrangement [Abrams,         bed, watching his belongings being carried
            2005] [Davachi, 2009:11] means the loss of a        out. But, it hurts him to see how he is being
            previously existed relationship between             deprived of a normal living place, and finally,
            family members, through physical or                 it damages him so much that he comes out of
            emotional distancing.  It may  result either        his refuge to defend the last object a portrait
            from direct interactions between those effects      of a woman,  which is  hanging on the wall.
            including violence, abuse, neglect, parental        His sister wipe-outs his memories through the
            misbehavior or major life events such as poor       removal of his furniture and no longer views
            communication.  In  the Metamorphosis  after        him as her brother, but as a disgusting insect
            the main character transforms into an insect        with no human quality.
            the perception of others about him makes him               The family member’s concern is to
            so estranged from himself and others. Perhaps       keep him away from  them and others, by
            the  greatest consequence of  Gregor’s              locking him in the room. The member of the
            metamorphosis is the psychological distance         family are not able to understand Gregor’s
            it creates between Gregor and those people          needs and his feelings. They become hopeless
            around him.                                         in considering him as earlier Gregor.  In one
                    This is the fact that he has kept a         scene, when the chief clerk had visited to find
            human attitude to surrounding people to him.        out reasons for Gregor’s absence for work, he
            There is a  change in feeling instincts in  the     meets Gregor  as transformed into an insect.
            Metamorphosis. We can see former love,              While the chief clerk was  running away
            attentiveness, and tact  in the hero. Kafka         Gregor tries to stop him. He realized that it
            describes that Gregor kindly  attached to his       was out of the question to let the chief clerk
            family  and does not  want to  give them            go away in such a mood if his position in the
            unnecessary worries. But, if we look at the         company was not to be put into excessive
            behavior of the family members, then,               danger. We  can observe that was something
            probably,  we will have  doubts about family        his parents did not understand very well. His
            members’ feelings as a son and brother.             parents thought Gregor was trying to harm the
                    Gregor’s sister cleaned his room, at        chief clerk. There is one another incident
            the beginning it seems, it is not just a courtesy   where Gregor comes to appreciate her sister
            and even showed concern in a primitive level        playing violin when the guest had visited to
            “to know Gregor’s test”, she finds out what he      their house but everybody misunderstand
            can eat and spread them in the newspaper.           Gregor’s intention of coming out of his room.
            And mother cried: “Let me go to Gregor. He          So, we find a wider gap between Gregor and
            is my unfortunate boy! Don’t you understand         the rest of his world in terms of understanding
            that  I have to go to him?”(Kafka, 1985: 30)        the needs of Gregor.
            but contrary to fact, it seems that beyond                 Thus, after Gregor’s transformation
            outer manifestation, there is no genuine            into an insect, “people did not understand his
            feeling. This is evidenced not by  word or          words any more, although they seemed clear
            short term of  gesture,  but regular behavior,      enough to him, clearer than previously,
            which becomes the norm and the attitude that        perhaps because his ears had gotten used to
            in due course develop: the father pushes him        them.”[Kafka, 1985: 17] However, Gregor
            into the room with a stick and throws apples        disappointed and depressed in his deep mind
            into son, his sister threatens with his fist, the   because he wanted to feel the people
            mother falls into a faint - everything is built     understand and to listen to him. But, nobody
            on some kind of hilarious breakdown, an             understands him. Only he needed to be
            artificial game.                                    understood and be cared by  his family.  It is
                    There is another incident, through by       the fact he stays almost exclusively in the
            taking his furniture out of his room her sister     room with his door closed and has no contact

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