Kasimova Adiba Nosirovna,

independent researcher at SamSIFL

Key words: Mass Media, L1 and L2, translation, methods, lexis, publicistic text, terminology, news, information, activity, capacities, motivation.

Касимова А. Роль и влияние средств массовой информации в обучении английскому языку. Настоящая статья изучает важность использования средств массовой информации в обучении английскому языку и подчёркивает его высокую роль в улучшении понимания иностранного языка.

Касимова А. Инглиз тилини ўргатишда оммавий ахборотнинг ўрни ва таъсири. Мазкур мақолада инглиз тилини ўргатиш жараёнида оммавий ахборотдан фойдаланишнинг ўрни ва аҳамияти ҳақида сўз юритмоқда.

Nowadays, mass media information has a huge impact. It puts forward the most important information and also contributes to the formation of one or another opinion about the information provided. Thus, it encourages the reader or listener to form their attitude about this situation. In order to introduce media styles in the field of education, broaden the horizons of foreign language learners, we decided to develop teaching methods, and thereby help English learners to develop not only simple understanding, but also to provide them with practical exercises to improve their translation competence in the field of translation. Several styles of journalism genres, about which the students are already widely known, have their own tasks, functional styles, classifications, and their norms. If we talk about the journalistic genre, here it is necessary to note their classifications, in which they reflect their functional styles. Without a certain picture of the genre of journalism, it would be difficult to talk about the specific type of media presented.

We are presented with several types of classifications for analysis in the course of our work and in the future it will become the main materials for students in mastering the methods of developing a translation technique. Considering their views, we will have to clarify their definitions, and where it is possible to give examples for concretization: such as news materials, comments, analytical reviews, interviews, promotional materials, etc. in turn, there are accepted terms and phrases in the field of journalism. As already known, the texts submitted by journalists are called media linguists, and their written texts are media texts. Before texts are handed over to media linguists, they pass through several instances, and then they carefully analyze the structure of the text and consider it to transfer information to the public. Here the informant, that is, the media linguist, will prove himself not only as an expert who represents the task of conveying information, but also as an expert linguist in his work. Sometimes, referring to his media abilities, the linguist does the job of an interpreter by switching from L1 to L2.

To present a high-quality translation of a journalistic style to a translator should have knowledge of the theory and practice of translation. It should be noted that in dealing with the activities of a translation specialist needs to know the terminology of the sphere with which he deals. Today, media linguists are presented with the task of mastering several foreign languages. And it is their advantage in communicating information, which represents their professionalism. Thus, the following methods of translation of newspaper and journalistic articles are given. These important methods are characteristic of translating articles from the L1 toL2. Transformation frequently used and isone of the methods in translation texts from one language into foreign language. When dealing with English texts, future translators will have to master the skills of translation, learn and master the skill of appropriate usage of style of the text, its ideology, subject and lexis, etc. As mentioned earlier, the media is an interesting topic for foreign language learners. In order to effectively learn the language and teach translators to translate texts, we are going to develop a training program and a method for assimilating media materials. Thus, we collect texts aimed at teaching not only informational materials and terminologies, and also we are going to develop the skills of translating texts. So we came up to work out several stages for different level of students’ knowledge. First task is to collect essential and at the same time actual theme for learners. While working with news materials we carry out the search of materials on the internet. Thanks to the advanced technology we can get the news just in a few seconds. There is huge data can be found but the selection of them are a bit time-consuming. The news should be easy to understand for learners with pre-intermediate knowledge. In the process of compiling materials we came across with amount of topics and selected the following themes, and worked out activities for them. Purposely, they can not only take in the news but also fulfill the tasks consciously by acknowledging terms used in specific area. For instance, Unit 5 dedicated toINDIA’S POPULATION PROBLEM[ Online]. Initially, the information is given and terms related to the theme can follow below the data. There are step by step activities in this Unit. At the beginning they will listen or read the information, and then can look through the bold printed letters within the text.

Activity 1.

Extract from UNIT 4: Today India is the home to over 1 billion people. By 2050 it will surpass China as the most populous country in the world. Experts think that India will reach a total of 1.8 billion before population growth begins to decreaseIn contrast to China’s one-child policyfamily planning in India has not been consistent. In the 1970s and 80s the government tried to control population growth by forcing people to have sterilizations. Today, however, there are signs that population growth is slowing down.  Contraception is becoming widely available in many areas and especially Indian women in rural areas are being more educated.

The learners will answer the questions related to the subject matter.The question should be presented in order of the information given in the passage. The question words are frequently used ones in publicistic texts, such as who, what, when, where, how etc.

Activity 2. For example: 1. How many people are there in India today? 2. What do specialists consider about India?

As a facilitator, the teacher will endeavor to elicit the information they comprehended. After, they work out the lexis of the theme; discuss the notion and definition given in the context.Within the group learners will try to translate the phrase “surpass” and then to enlarge their vocabulary by using some other meanings of the expression like overtake; be bigger than. The Activity with matching definition is up to the point in consolidating the expressions used in the context.

Activity 3.



overtake; be bigger than



Full of people



not very great in amount or number



to go down

Activity 4. This task requires learners to translate the publicistic text into their native language. While having translation activity they will have to know the sentence structure used in English and appropriate word choice, some methods of translation.

Activity 5. The chart describes the total population of some countries of the world with their future trend is presented in years from 1950 to 2040. Learners will analyze the chart and write short essay according to the data.

During the process of working with the news passage learners will increase their abilities to understand, raise their capacities such as listening, reading, writing, speaking and as long with that it will provoke their literacy in translation activity. In a nutshell, we can admit that Mass Media has great impact and role in teaching English assisting broadening the learners’ horizons.


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