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Хорижий филология  №1, 2019 йил

                  16.  Green  A.  The  theoretical  foundations  for  functions  in  the  Council  of  Europe  modern
            languages  projects  and  the  Common  European  framework  of  References  for  Languages.  –
            Cambridge: CUP, 2001.
                  18.  Larsen-Freeman D. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd.eds.). –  New
            York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
                  19.  Richards J.C., Rodgers Th. S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Second
            ed. –  Cambridge: CUP, 1999.

                  Мaxkamova  G.  Consideration  concerning  the  communicative-cumulative  method  of
            foreign  language  teaching.  In  the  article  the  communicative-cumulative  method  of  FLT  in  the
            context of the carried out language functions in communication are discussed and principles of  this
            method of teaching are justified.
                  Махкамова Г. Чет тилини ўқитишда коммуникатив-кумулятив методика ҳақида
            мулоҳазалар.  Мақолада  чет  тилини  ўқитишда  тилнинг  коммуникация  жараѐнида
            бажараѐтган  функциялари  доирасида  коммуникатив-кумулятив  методика  ҳақида  фикр
            юритилган ҳамда мазкур методиканинг асосий тамойиллари изоҳланган.

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