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Хорижий филология  №1, 2019 йил

            возникновении  в  конце  XIX  века  и  начале  ХХ  века  научно-фантастического  жанра  через
            творчество А.К. Дойила.
                  Karshibayeva  U.  The  concept  of  artistic  image  and  work  of  A.K.  Doyle  in  the  XIX-XX
            centuries.  In the article the author tries to show that the literary image reflects not only the image
            of a person, but also view of a person’s life, in the center of which there is a person himself and all
            that surrounds him. It also reveals the reaction of scientific - technical progress in appearing genre
            through the works of A.K. Doyle in the late 19th and early 20 th centuries.

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