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Хорижий филология.  №2, 2016 йил

                                   CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LITERATURE

                                            Tetyana Myronenko, Lesia Dobrovolska,
                                    Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynsky National University, Ukraine

                   Key  words:  spiritual  and  moral  values,  self-identity,  multiculturalism,  cognitive  aspect,
            globalization, contemporary American literature.

                   Self-awareness or self-identity is very      immigrants,  who  managed  to  preserve  their
            important for any society as it determines its      national cultures becoming at the same time a
            capacity  to  grow  and  draw  up  directions  for   part of a “melting pot”, could serve as a great
            mutual understanding of different groups and        example  for  Ukraine  in  the  process  of
            individuals. In the era of globalization, when      building self-identity.
            human-beings have opened cross-border links                A  great  number  of  American  writer
            and are becoming more intertwined with each         generations  were  successful  in  finding  and
            other  around  the  world,  process  of  building   preserving  their  ethnic  identity  and  self-
            self-identity  in  the  multicultural  world  takes   identity in their works. Today, when Ukraine
            place on many levels: individual, community,        is  in  the  process  of  building  its  own  self-
            country,  and  the  world.  Self-identity,  self-   identity and integration into the world global
            concept of an individual through the dialogue       culture,   studying   American     Literature,
            among cultures is a dynamic social process. It      especially contemporary, as an integral part of
            is a potential that individuals can build within    American studies at Ukrainian Universities is
            themselves  as  a  result  of  developing           crucial for this  process.  It  will help  a  young
            interpersonal relations in society and striving     generation to form their own self-identity as a
            consistency.                                        personality  and  at  the  same  time  to  identify
                   American  Literature  from  cognitive        themselves  as  a  nation  with  critical  thinking
            viewpoint promotes the study of intercultural       as  well  as  facilitate  a  dialogue  with  other
            and multicultural relations within a particular     nations  during  the  process  of  integration.
            society and is aimed at solving cross-cultural      Teaching  values  through  contemporary
            problems.  We  will  use  it  as  a  means  in  this   American  Literature  at  any  country  helps  to
            research  on  shifting  self-identity  processes    get  acquainted  more  close  with  the  culture
            towards a successful dialogue among different       and create a positive image.
            cultures.                                                  The  object  of  Cognitive  Literature  is
                   Cognitive  Literature  is  a  relatively     aimed at solving cross-cultural problems and
            new discipline in Ukraine. It exists not only to    promotes  the  study  of  intercultural  relations
            study literary works but more importantly to        through    cross-national   boundaries   and
            teach  to  understand  the  world  and  other       multicultural  relations  within  a  particular
            cultures  and  to  help  form  an  independent      society.  Under  these  circumstances  studying
            creative  person,  tolerant  and  open  to  new     American  Literature  as  an  integral  part  of
            ideas in the era of globalization. Formation of     American     Studies    at   the   Ukrainian
            a  new  generation  with  a  critical-creative      Universities is crucial for this process.
            comprehension, which is the highest level of               American Literature in the 80s-90s of
            thinking  that,  involves  “reading  beyond  the    the  twentieth  century  is  represented  by
            lines  “should  be  a  major  goal  at  teaching    different  literary  theories  like  postcolonial,
            American literature.                                gender,  queer,  including  the  ”literature  of
                   Ukraine as well as the United States of      blankness”  and  by  the  writers  of  different
            America,  is  a  multicultural  country:  103       ethnic  groups  who  contributed  a  lot  of  to
            ethnic groups and nationalities live there. That    American     Literature.   Unfortunately,   in
            is  why  America,  a  country  created  by          Ukraine  there  is  some  lack  of  information
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