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P. 39
Хорижий филология. №2, 2017 йил
Moreover, on the fulfillment of English. And this leads to problems that make
resolution PD #1875 ―Measures on students come across hurdles to communicate
improvement of learning foreign languages‖ in English. The second concern to be
(2012) several works are being carried out in mentioned is that most teachers get
the Uzbek State World Languages University accustomed to exaggerating more grammar
providing that creating fully English speaking focused approaches, translation based
atmosphere inside and outside the class, exercises and learning new words instead of
supporting lessons with methodological adopting students to implement their
requirements and needed materials and etc. In knowledge to interact one another in English.
addition to this, since CEFR (The Common Doctor Brown says: ―In interaction students
European Framework of Reference) aims to can use all they possess of the language, all
encourage language learners to think about they have learned or casually absorbed in real
what they do when communicating, to think life exchanges‖( Brown, D. Teaching by
about what they can do to help themselves principles: An interactive approach to
and others to learn a language better and language pedagogy). This quote addresses
claims that how effective it is to check that interaction is an important clue to
students‘ knowledge, a demand achieving C1 improve students‘ speaking skills and it gives
level is set for the graduates of the USWLU. them the opportunity to demonstrate what
As a result, students‘ motivation and they can do in English.
anticipation on learning English has increased It is obvious that interaction is the
more significantly than before. basis of human communication and all
Like other testing systems, all CEFR elements of communication are involved.
levels include four major skills which are Therefore, in order to avoid problems
listening, speaking, reading, writing and the emphasized above and achieving long-lasting
development of these four skills is one of the progress on improving students‘ speaking
main necessities in learning English. But skills, it is essential for teachers to create
sometimes these skills are not developed positive environment to encourage language
enough because of some factors such as the learners‘ interaction so that they can share
number of students per class, the lack of their ideas, opinions without feeling afraid of
learning resources and not enough teaching making mistakes. In this way students can
facilities. As a result, students face some carry out communicating tasks in an effective
problems, specifically in oral communication. way as well. As Willis states: ― Creating a
When they begin to express their opinions, low stress atmosphere and using the language
they often use isolated non-academic words for real purposes are ways to get meaningful
and disconnected sentences make their speech communication and through interaction
poor and meaningless. As speaking skill learners have the chance to acquire discourse
requires performing the ability of expressing skills, the essential conditions for effective
speech with fluency, accuracy and demanding language learning, such as exposure, use and
use of academic vocabulary, most students motivation. With this view of language, task-
find it rather challenging. based learning offers many advantages and
To meet this challenge, first of all, the the development and improvement of
reasons of abovementioned problems‘ causes speaking skills‖.
should be identified. The first concern is that While teaching speaking at
students use English more frequent only universities, we aim to apply task-based and
inside the class and less outside the class. interactive learning on students. When
Furthermore, students have limited time to conducting speaking lessons that we teach at
learn English in class and they still do not university we try to design lessons that will
have enough encouragement to practice motivate students to speak without stopping
English outside the class to get familiar with and hesitating as it is an essential requirement