Page 37 - 2-2017
P. 37
Хорижий филология. №2, 2017 йил
Bozorov Zokir,
Teacher of the Samarkand State institute of Foreign Languages
Key words: competitive personnel, talented young people, young scientist, scientific
research, CEFR, translation studies, descriptor.
Globalization has become a synonym Having analyzed different approaches to
for commoditization of work, including the translator‘s professional competence
knowledge work. In this framework, definition and given the modern society
universities should be the place for continuing demands to a translator, we have defined the
education, incubators of new ideas, professional competence of a translator as a
approaches and solutions. Unfortunately, in multicomponential structure consisting of a
our experience as students first, then as number of professionally determined
professional translators and localizers, and competencies, namely linguistic,
finally as trainers and teachers, we observed sociocultural, information and technological,
that, especially over the last few years, operational, psychological, intellectual,
translation schools in some countries have pragmatic, text forming, semantic, projective
become sterile conservatories for accepted and the main competency – the translation
ideas, and the level of expertise offered by one. [1,1].
graduates is far from the realities and Thus the translators‘ training programs
requirements of the workplace. This does not should be focused on formation and
mean that translation schools should churn development of professional translator
out instantly productive professionals like so competence through the development of all
many human widgets, yet we believe that the professionally important competencies
students should not be considered only determined by the peculiarities of a profession
diploma products. and modern information and economic
The development of new information society demands.
and communication society influences an ever The teacher teaches students how not be
changing translators‘ professional reality that at loss in real life situations, and helps them to
requires almost constant updating of build strategies to deal with whatever comes
knowledge and skills. The survey of their way. The class changes from a teacher-
practicing translators concerning the realities fronted passive mass to a place of activities.
of their work and their training at the Instruction has its goal to make the student a
universities has indicated that after graduating self-sufficient problem-solver. Students are
university almost two thirds of the skills discouraged to be passive receivers of the
needed for work in this profession are being information transmitted to them from the
acquired by them using the method of trial teacher or the textbooks. They will otherwise
and error. Thus, the proper understanding of end up focusing only to the exam, trying to
professional competence of translators and its devise strategies to pass it with the minimum
components are very important. The effort and maximum profit.
professional competence of a translator Gaming is a fundamental ingredient in
should be determined on basis of the legal, learning, and to help students achieve a
regulatory, certifying documentation and professional-like level of autonomy and
professiogram analysis. expertise they should go through experience
by being involved in the collaborative