Page 38 - 2-2017
P. 38
Хорижий филология. №2, 2017 йил
undertaking of authentic translation projects more widespread in the workplace. Individual
for real customers. Nevertheless, while skills should therefore be used and students
newspaper texts are actually rare on the should be invited to rely on each other to
translation market they are still the all-but- solve the problems in the classroom positively
exclusive practice material in classes. [1,2]. moving the focus from the teacher to the class
The results achieved so far confirm the team.
soundness of the approach, and the The next step consists in reviewing a
accomplishment of the educational goals: the ready-made work with a translation tool. The
rate of abandonment is next to zero; students translation is chosen from those done during
are mostly enthusiastic in their comments in the course of specialized translation. Pros and
the questionnaires they are asked to fill cons of computer-assisted translation are
anonymously at the end of courses, and the discussed, together with the texts that are best
placement rate is largely satisfactory. suited for processing with translation tools.
Computer-assisted translation is Working strategies are finally evaluated that
increasingly made the object of study would have been faster and convenient. At
nowadays. The computer-assisted translation this stage the development of term bases,
course is aimed at introducing students to a translation memories, and specialized corpora
working methodology different from ―Word is also suggested.
and dictionary‖ and based on translation tools To be a successful and efficient
as an integral and indivisible part of the translator nowadays means not only to
translation process. [1,3]. Therefore, it is possess linguistic and translational
important for students to learn about the competence. The advents of technology and
industry, understand and evaluate their the new forms of translation which have
working environment, mature a teamwork emerged in the past twenty years have
attitude, and meet the deadlines, while getting transformed the way translator‘s competence
accustomed to identify the technical aspects should be understood.
and skills to develop. In this way, students In our experience, the need for a
can face a non-traumatic impact with the ―real course book which would cover the most
world‖, while a first-time approach to important areas of translators‘ preparation for
computer-assisted translation can help the their future profession was so urgent that the
teacher take advantage of a total absence of decision was taken to create an experimental
habits and prejudices affecting long-time book to teach students written translation on
translation professionals. This makes it the selected texts belonging to different areas
possible to integrate translation tools in the of human activity so that students could
working process, and develop an unbiased acquire necessary practical skills to translate
view of a project. such texts faithfully in a short time.
The first step is to encourage students As the English language is considered
not to be in awe of and suffer from computer an international language, great attention is
and software tools, possibly for poor paid to learn it in all parts of the world, in
rehearsal. Therefore, it is pivotal to foster a particular Uzbekistan is performing
collaborative approach by setting up working significant attempts on the improvement of
groups whose members are able to English as a second language at universities.
compensate each other for weak points, and To be more precise, the Presidential Decree
exploit the little time available at best. The #1875 (2012.)
working strategy comes from the experience ―Measures on improvement of
in training the translators where being learning foreign languages‖ makes essential
acquainted with each other helps cooperation, progress on the teaching the English language
and cooperation helps initiative and learning. in all educational directions of Uzbekistan.
Teamwork cannot be taught, but is more and