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Хорижий филология.  №2, 2017 йил

                                                COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS

                                                 Rakhmonov Aziz Bositovich,
                                         Uzbekistan State World Languages University
                                                  Senior scientific researcher

                  Key  words:  communicative  culture,  innovation,  information  technologies,  elective  courses,
            communication, skills, forming.

                  New social and economic policy of our         means  compatibility,  the  ability  of  the
            country,  including  the  transition  to  market    individual to work together different types of
            relations,  entry  into  the  world  economic       information     transfer     systems     [1].
            system,     intensive     development      of       Simultaneously, this specific interaction in the
            international  contacts,  the  creation  of  joint   process of cognitive-labor activity, carried out
            ventures, demands from the school to increase       mainly through language.
            attention  to  the  preparation  of  graduates  for       In  the  formation  and  development  of
            communicative  activity,  to  mastering  the        communicative  skills  of  schoolchildren,
            culture of business communication.                  innovation  plays  a  significant  role.  In
                  Readiness  for  business  communication       psychology,    it   is   the   creation   and
            becomes  today  one  of  the  most  important       implementation    of    various   kinds    of
            indicators of the social and professional status    innovations that generate meaningful changes
            of a specialist. The fulfillment of such a social   in social practice and require the overcoming
            order     actualizes   the     problem     of       of  socio-psychological  barriers  at  each  stage
            communicative skills of children.                   of the deployment of innovation activity.
                  One of the most important tasks of the              The capabilities of a personal computer
            education  system  is  the  humanization  of        provide  him  wide  application  in  the  most
            education, the essence of which is expressed        diverse areas of human activity:
            in  creating  the  necessary  conditions  for  the        1. Transducer (from the English T-duser
            formation  of  an  active  personality,  for  the   - sensor, analog converter) - the ability of the
            realization of his/her interests and rights, for    computer to receive and output information in
            identifying  and  developing  the  abilities  of    a  variety  of  forms  (depending  on  the
            social  creativity,  for  recognizing  the  self-   availability of appropriate devices).
            esteem  of  the  individual,  her/his    rights  and      2.  Combinatorial  -  the  ability  to
            freedom.  In  this  regard,  the  humanization  of   remember, save, structure, sort large amounts
            education  reveals  a  whole  series  of  new       of  information,  quickly  find  the  necessary
            problems,  one  of  which  is  the  culture  of     information.
            human  communication  as  compliance  with                3.  Computing  -  fast  and  accurate
            certain  norms,  traditions,  and  sociocultural    conversion  of  any  kind  of  information
            standards.   It   is   in   the   culture   of      (numerical, text, graphic, audio, etc.).
            communication  that  the  individual  finds  his          4. Graphical - presentation of the results
            highest  self-affirmation,  has  the  opportunity   of  their  work  in  a  clear  visual  form  (text,
            to  show  all  the  wealth  of  his  feelings  and   sound,  in  the  form  of  drawings,  animations,
            abilities, as well as his creativity.               etc.).
                  "Communication"  is  a  Latin  word  for            5.  Modeling  -  the  construction  of
            "message", "message path, connection of one         information  models  (including  dynamic)  of
            place  to  another",  "a  way  of  communicating    real  objects  and  phenomena  (simulation  and
            any information to all or many with the help        animation) [5].
            of  technical  means"  [1].  Communicative

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