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Хорижий филология. №2, 2017 йил
oriented towards computer support of the analysis, it is ready - a great right in the eyes
process of obtaining information and forming of people; The new look with suspicion,
knowledge in any field, consolidating skills, because the features of his youth, and to the
language skills, control or testing. This is their decrepit features of the old so familiar that
main difference from the programs that they seem to be eternal. "[2]
facilitate the creation and operation of the A characteristic feature of the modern
training programs themselves. With the lesson is the active learning activity of
evolution of instrumental systems and students. With the use of computer
electronic means of teaching, pedagogical technology, all the steps of the lesson can be
software products are also developing. traced: testing knowledge, explaining new
A number of works on the material, fixing the material. The use of
computerization of teaching use the term computers requires the connection of
"automated learning systems". They can be of traditional forms of teaching with non-
varying degrees of complexity: from simple traditional ones, and it is necessary to plan a
simulators (exercises and practical lesson taking into account the optimal
assignments) to modeling and tutoring distribution of time between communication,
programs. These programs usually include a the abilities of students and the technology of
linear supply of teaching material or teaching at different stages of the lesson.
exercises. Exercises can be very simple or The development of interest in the
inadequate for individual trainees. Questions problems of communicative abilities of
can be ordered in complexity. The computer schoolchildren in the modern world
provides the organization of practical classes Globalization, expressed not only in the
on a specific subject in the subjects, and the processes of the economy, but also in the
trainees receive reports on the correctness of expansion and deepening of information
their actions. At one time L.S. Vygotsky technologies. The concept of profiling
formulated the main task of the pedagogy of assumes the development in the educational
the future, in which "life is revealed as a institutions of a specific orientation as a
system of creativity, constant tension and specially organized activity aimed at
overcoming, constant combination and the providing students with psychological and
creation of new forms of behavior. Thus, pedagogical support in designing options for
every our thought, every movement and continuing education, in profile and non-core
experience is a striving to create a new reality, classes of the senior school, in vocational
a breakthrough to something new ... "[3]. education institutions. At the same time,
Consequently, a big role in the modern lesson profile orientation is now considered not only
is played by a computer that allows the as an aid in making a schoolchild decision
teacher to achieve a higher level of visibility, about choosing the direction and place of
increases the opportunities for activating the further education, but also as work to increase
activities of students. We believe that the the adolescent's readiness for social,
present time is the time of entry into our life professional and cultural self-determination.
of information and communication The communicative situation is the interaction
technologies. To date, the use of new of all factors outside the speech, existing both
technologies in teaching, aimed at developing in the objective reality and in the
the creative abilities of students, is necessary consciousness of the participants. There are
[7]. At one time, A. Herzenwrote: "The new different points of view on the set of factors
need to create in the sweat of the face, and the that form the structure of the communicative
old itself continues to exist and firmly keeps situation. The system of external problem
on the crutches of habit. It is necessary to factors, which in today's circumstances has a
explore new things; It requires internal work, decisive influence on the process of formation
donations; the old is accepted without and development of communicative skills of