Page 89 - 2-2017
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Хорижий филология. №2, 2017 йил
situations, brainstorming sessions, contactness, tactfulness, endurance, goodwill,
psychological (intellectual) workouts in the participation in finding answers to emerging
process of studying topics confirms their problems, support for the participant in the
enormous potential in activating cognitive and dialogue in case of difficulties, level of
communicative activity of trainees as a means preparedness to communicative activity. All
of forming communicative skills. The process this testifies to the need to develop the
of formation of communicative skills depends problem of the formation of communicative
on the development of intellectual, emotional, skills and the coordination of teachers of
volitional and need-motivational spheres and various academic disciplines
personal qualities: openness to dialogue,
1. The Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary.- M: The Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2006.
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3. Vygotsky, L.S. Pedagogical psychology / Ed. V.V. Davydova .- M .: Pedagogika, 1991.
4. Nilchuk E.V., Information technologies in education. - Volgograd, 2002.
5. Kozhaspirova G.M., Petrov K.V. Technical means of teaching and methods of using them.
2nd ed.-M .: Academy, 2005.
6. Shilova I.D. Perfection of communicative culture of students / Method. Recommendations /
Kazan. 1991.
7. Zagvyazdinsky V.I. Pedagogical creativity of the teacher / / Pedagogy.-1989.- № 1.
Rakhmonov A. Interactive computer technologies in forming communicative skills. The
article considers modern trends in the development of the education system. The role of innovative
technologies in the formation and development of communicative skills of students is disclosed.
Information technologies of teaching, pedagogical communication technology are presented.
Рахмонов А. Интерактивные компьютерные технологии в формировании
коммуникативных навыков. Статья исследует современные направления в развитии
системы образования. Роль инновационных технологий в формировании и развитии
коммуникативных способностей студентов освещается в данной статье. Представлена
информация о технологиях обучения и педагогической коммуникативной технологии.