Page 85 - 2-2017
P. 85
Хорижий филология. №2, 2017 йил
For the training of a number of subjects When characterizing interactive tools is
in the basic school, practically all the trained it is necessary to clearly separate the
described possibilities are didactic values. equipment, the personal computer and
Thus, the user and combinatorial functions of peripheral devices to it, and actually the
a personal computer can be realized in the training facilities, which are computer
process of working with the school programs and files recorded on various media
geoinformation system. (floppy disks, CD-ROMs, hard disks (HDD)
The computing functions of a personal of computers) [ 7]. The interactive training
computer make work on calculations, tool provides the teacher or pupil with the
measurements, including geographic choice of learning the material, the ability to
mapping, easy to access. In the presence of control the flow of information, using in his
digital maps inserted in the memory of a work the technical capabilities of computer
personal computer, the pedagogical situation information technology. Multimedia
changes dramatically. The computer, on one interactive tool is a computer program with a
hand, relieves both the teacher and the student set of files, which uses a combination of text,
from the routine of measurements, graphics, sound, animation and video
calculations, graphical constructions, allowing elements. Multimedia capabilities of a
them to focus on the geographic essence, on personal computer allow you to combine and
the other hand - provides a high degree of combine visual and verbal information,
visibility in the design of the results of such manage its flow more efficiently than when
works, which facilitates their analysis and using movies and videos. On the screen of the
contributes to the success of the training monitor, in a matter of seconds, the drawings,
fctivities of students. diagrams and drawings come to life, which
The graphical functions of the personal traditionally had to be displayed on the board
computer contribute to the increase of gradually, along the lines of the presentation
visibility, which is very important in teaching of the material. [6]
a number of subjects. In pure form, they can The presence of all these possibilities on
be used to demonstrate ready-made static and the personal computer does not guarantee
dynamic graphics, you can go further and, by their correct and effective application in the
combining the graphical function with the classroom. A computer is just an instrument
combinatorial one, turn a personal computer that, by virtue of its technical device, can
into a flexible intellectual tool for creating perform certain actions faster and better than
your own original visual aids, including a person. Methodically correctly and
multimedia ones. The combination of the didactically effectively use these computer
graphic and modeling functions of a personal capabilities - the main task is not only the
computer allows you to create and study developer of interactive geography teaching
information models of different processes and tools, but also the methodologist, as well as
phenomena - from visual-figurative to the teacher. In the scientific and
conventionally-signed ones. methodological literature, there is a number of
Thus, information and communication classifications of interactive teaching aids that
technologies embedded in a modern personal can be extended to interactive teaching aids of
computer become means for achieving the some academic subjects. The training
highest priority goals of universal education- computer program refers to information and
the formation of visual representation of communication technologies. By pedagogical
objects of different sizes, the preparation of software, we mean a reusable computer
students for life, requiring independent program specially designed or adapted to
search, analysis, organization and transfer of implement the pedagogical function of
information, planning and design of objects teaching or learning when interacting with the
and processes [4]. trainee. Programs of this type are clearly