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Хорижий филология. №2, 2017 йил
and corporate style; Advertising, etc. The to speech skills, as it often happens. They are
success of any of their projects depends on considered as certain qualities of the
the motivation and ability to interact, so a individual, readiness for conscious and
high school student needs to have a system of successful communication interaction in the
values that improve communication. The process of professional and social activity, as
knowledge and skills of senior pupils, the the most important indicator of the social and
effectiveness of their communicative skills professional status of a specialist. This
increases significantly if they correlate with approach allows us to reveal more fully and
the value orientations of students. deeper the content and structure of the
Pedagogical cooperation between teachers communicative skills that are formed in
and students based on mutual respect and teaching, to highlight their essential
trust, as well as active teaching methods, are characteristics. Targeted psychological and
singled out as pedagogical means of forming pedagogical preparation of teachers of schools
communicative skills. "A word can kill and and students for communicative activities
revive, wound and heal, sow confusion and allows you to psychologically adjust and
hopelessness and spirituality", - wrote the prepare teachers for the application of the
prominent teacher V.A.Sukhomlinsky. [1]. developed set of pedagogical methods and
The analysis of the level of preparation tools for developing communicative skills,
of school leavers for communicative activity and students are given the opportunity to
makes it possible to identify the most clearly present ways and means of developing
significant shortcomings in the formation of meaningful communicative skills, consciously
communicative skills. First of all, this is a low concentrate efforts on the development of
level of the general communicative culture, a strengths and overcoming the weaknesses of
lack of knowledge of conducting communicative activity. Also effective are the
conversations and negotiations, a lack of systems of exercises and tasks aimed at a
skills for parallel implementation of active phased, controlled process of forming
listening and mental analysis, the ability to communicative skills. It is necessary to select
model one's position and the partner's attitude tasks, tasks, situations, games depending on
towards it; Inability to establish and maintain the level of development of communicative
interpersonal and business contacts, etc. skills of trainees, based on the level of
The analysis of the educational process communication skills, preparedness for
shows that the opportunities for the content of communication, their propensities, interests,
educational disciplines, forms of organization, communicative abilities, to select
methods and means of instruction for the organizational forms, methods and methods
purposeful formation and development of of motivating to active communicative
communicative skills are not being realized to activity.
the proper extent. Formation and development The method of formation of
of communicative skills involves the communicative skills is based on the
development and implementation of a special understanding of skills as a system of actions,
program in the educational process. At the the consistent implementation of which leads
same time, the content of the material studied to the assimilation of skills. The essence of
and the learning process should reflect the the methodology is that students are involved
laws, content, structure and logic of the in a variety of activities that involve active
process of formation and development of communication, in the course of which the
communicative skills. Readiness to necessary communication skills are
communicate becomes today one of the most developed. The system of such exercises
important indicators of the social and covers the whole range of communicative
professional status of a specialist. skills offered for mastering. Inclusion of
Communicative skills are not reduced simply business games, analysis of specific