Page 118 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 118

Хорижий филология  №2, 2019 йил


                                        Abdurazzoqova Sabohat Abdurazzoq qizi,
                            Master student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

                   Keys  words:  writing,  elementary  school,  ICT,  ideas,  disorganization,  and  disconnection,
            writing activities.

                   The attention in learning English today      engaged    in   the   topic   and    examine
            is gaining a higher speed in the world as well      relationships  among  ideas.  Writing  also
            as  in  Uzbekistan.  The  main  factors  for  this   contributes  to  formulating  new  knowledge,
            phenomenon          include        expanding        developing  an  in-depth  understanding  of  the
            communication  with  the  world  after  gaining     content, cultivating concepts, and developing
            the  independence  and  increasing  speed  and      higher order thinking skills‖.
            scope  of  information  exchange  in  the  global          It  is  known  that  at  an  elementary
            village.  Teaching  English  as  a  foreign         school‘s  period  pupils  first  learn  how
            language  or  a  second  language  to  school       language     functions.   Teachers    expect
            children  is  a  difficult  process.  Especially    understanding  vocabulary,  grammar,  and
            primary school‘s pupils think that English as       spelling  completely  from  pupils  while
            simply another subject that they have to study      simultaneously  expressing  and  conveying
            at  school  or  that  their  parents  make  them  to   ideas and discussions in a concise, organized
            learn  English.  At  this  point,  they  may  not   way. It is hard to develop writing skills in a
            know  the  importance  of  these  classes.  They    child but  it  is a necessary skill  should begin
            might  consider  English  classes  as  simply       from early age for pupils. Elementary school
            another fun daily activity. Even teachers can       time  plays  an  important  role  in  a  child‘s
            encourage the pupils who are at this early age      development,  and  at  this  periodstudent  learn
            to develop an interest in learning English.This     and achieve exceptionally fast. When students
            interest  will  stay  with  them  long  after  they   reach  middle  or  high  school,  they  are
            have  finished  these  classes.  So  teachers       expected  to  write  multi-paragraph  essays
            should pay attention to every pupil attentively     including  formal  introductions,  arguments
            in order to encourage everyone to participate.      with supporting facts, and conclusions.
            Teachers  should  make  these  lessons  relaxed            Information    and     communication
            and fun. Then pupils have an aim to study this      technology  makes  communication  easier,
            subject.                                            simpler,  and  more  convenient  than  ever
                   Writing — it is an important form of         before. Young children in elementary school
            communication  and  a  key  part  of  education.    are receiving an outside education in the art of
            Hence,  to  teach  writing  skills  should  start   modern  writing  and  communication.  The
            from  elementary  schools.  Depending  on  the      main  problem  is  that  many  students  are
            level  of  students  writing  skills  should  be    learning habits at a crucial age that may help
            taught  from  simple  to  difficult.  If  it  begins   them  choose  the  perfect  emoji  or  GIF  for  a
            from  elementary  schools‘  children  these         social situation, but it will not help them learn
            children  will  not  come  across  many             the appropriate forms of ―your,‖ ―you‘re,‖ and
            difficulties in  writing  in  the future. ―Writing   ―yours.‖
            is  widely  used  in  schools  for  assessment             The  lack  of  formality  in  modern
            purposes,  and  for  evaluating  students‘          communication  leaves  educators  unsure  of
            knowledge.  In  order  for  students  to  become    how to teach writing to elementary students.
            more  proficient  in  writing,  it  must  be  used   No one outside of the classroom writes essays
            more for engaging students in reasoning skills      anymore.  Instead,  students  write  articles  and
            across  the  curriculum.  Writing  experts  agree   blog  posts,  sms-chats.  Therefore,  teaching
            that  during  writing,  students  are  actively     elementary students to write essays correctly

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