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Хорижий филология №2, 2019 йил
can seem like an impossible task, especially Therefore, to improve their writing you need
when they spend so much time to address each area.
communicating with one another via other You can express a student that is
mediums. trying very hard with their writing by paying
―At The Graide Network, some tips main attention to their work and how they
are provided in order to help teachers and behave in the classroom. Many students who
schools better educate their students: struggle to exhibit such signs as:
• Data on elementary student • Poor spelling and grammar
writing levels • Lack of organized thoughts and
• How to help kids with writing structure
• How to develop your students‘ • An unwillingness to participate in
writing skills in fun ways a task
According to reports from the National • Sometimes the student does not
Center for Education, SAT mean scores in feel they are prepared enough to complete it.
writing dropped from 497 to 484 over nine Now teachers think about the issues in
years (2006-2015). Furthermore, during this writing and how to notice them, how to
period, the number fell every year. With prevent them and provide students with a
roughly only 25 percent of students testing as positive solution that will increase their
proficient in writing, it can be easy to point writing efficiency. Young students, especially
the finger at social media and constant access those in elementary school do not benefit
to screens. However, the issue starts in the from long attention spans. In fact, a 2015
classroom. In 2016, 40 percent of students study found that adults have an attention span
who took the ACT writing exam lacked the that lasts about eight seconds. Keeping your
reading and writing skills necessary to students engaged while teaching them better
complete a college-level English composition writing skills is no small task.
class. During teaching to write using
The problem is that language is a huge classroom activities can lead good results.
area, and with so many exceptions to the rule, Activities can motivate students to work
students often have such a strong emotional together and accomplish the task. According
effect and stop trying. Students often come to The Graide Network‘s information these
across a variety of difficulties when it comes activities are divided into three sections that
to writing, whether in the classroom or at each of them is related to common issues:
home. From grammar to organization, these Ideas, disorganization, and disconnection
are the most common difficulties: from the assignment. These activities are very
• Grammar useful when to teach writing skills topupils.
• Spelling Lack of Ideas
• Lack of topic ideas • Orally share ideas in groups before
• Lack of structure leading to having students write.
disorganized thoughts Allowing your students to create ideas,
• A feeling of disconnect from the opinions in a group and brainstorm is an
task. effective tool. If a student is unable to answer
When it comes to writing, the actual on an idea, hearing what others say can create
words students use and how they use those inspiration. Additionally, if multiple kids are
words is essential, but putting ―pen to paper‖ unable to answer on an idea, a group setting
is the last step of a long process that demands allows them to feel less alone from their lack
plenty of practice and planning. There are of an idea. To my mind to use this activity
more signs that student is struggling with their with young learners is effective. Sharing ideas
writing than poor sentence-level mechanics. in a group can enlarge pupils‘ background.
Whether you are a new teacher or not, you • Writing together in a group.
know that the signs of a struggling student go Allow your students to work on a task in
beyond the quality and grading of their tasks. pairs, groups, or as a whole class. Similar to