Page 122 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 122
Хорижий филология №2, 2019 йил
Fayzullayeva Munavvar Bahodirovna,
Master student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
Key words: Information and communication technology (ICT), English as a second
language (ESL), English as a foreign language (EFL), motivation, IC devices, challenges and
It goes without any doubt that they have IC technologies they are not enough
technology takes essential part in humans‘ for using in teaching or they have problems of
life. It helps to transfer any information to maintenance. Today teachers want to integrate
anywhere with a fast speed, as well as creates ICT in teaching, especially computers should
enjoyable, friendly and fun atmosphere in be used during the lesson for enhancing
learning and teaching process. With the learners‘ listening skills and for the rest three
invention of technology, such as computer, skills at the same time, however there is lack
smart phone, video camera and the internet, of computers in most rural schools and
learning is no longer process, especially in teachers may not have access for using ICT,
teaching foreign languages. Technology is as they are quite costly. It is one of the
believed to be able to make students respond barriers of teachers and learners faced. There
positively in a language classroom. The usage are some drawbacks with transportation and
of ICT is very important in motivating electricity while utilizing ICT. If there are any
language learners to participate in lessons problems with electricity during using
actively and to learn successfully. « ICT technological devices, in this case a skillful
offers a variety of learning opportunities for teacher should have alternative methods and
students to learn language. ICT can enhance materials for the lesson which are prepared
the quality of teaching and learning by beforehand for language learners. It is visible
providing access to great variety of that technology is playing essential role in
educational resources and by enabling every field of life. We lean on electronic
participatory pedagogies ». [1, 27]. devices and we cannot run even our daily
However there are some problems of activities in the absence of these means. So
usage ICT in English classrooms in schools of these IC technologies make people especially
rural area which come across both teachers the youth moron day by day. People try to
and learners throughout the lesson. It is as find any information or even for finding
natural as breathing that teachers of 21 answers to common questions they search
century have to know utilizing and integrating from the internet rather than looking for
information and communication devices in books. Somehow it is a beneficial and good
teaching process. «There is no doubt that, way for enriching technological literacy, but it
over the last 15 years, there has been a makes people lazy and depends on technology
phenomenal growth in ICT in all aspects of rather than using their cerebrum for their
society, and education is not an exception». thought process. Both teachers‘ and learners‘
[2, 12]. brain should keep working instead of being
Nowadays, some modern and latest totally dependent on using devices. As well as
IC technologies such as computers, laptops, teachers and learners should not be addicted
over head projectors, electronic white boards, to ICT or the internet materials as there is full
televisions, multimedia and web based of fake information. Human being built
applications have an important role in technology and devices not the technology
teaching and most of them are used in urban created him. It is pity that there are some
schools while schools which are situated in problems with people who are living in virtual
rural areas don‘t possess such devices or if life. We know that the youth are attracted by