Page 123 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 123
Хорижий филология №2, 2019 йил
social sites and they are disconnected from process they prefer to copy out internet
the real life. Nowadays most pupils of materials.
secondary schools especially in urban areas It should be stated about one of major
have their own mobile phones, smart phones problems is replacing books with e-books.
and other devices which are connected almost Nowadays most of our important stuffs are in
all social sites of the net. While finding our favourite gadgests, as mobile phones,
information or vocabulary definition from the smart phones and tablets, even books have e-
internet for the lesson, their attention may version and it‘s called electronic books. It is
draw to other distractions which can be easily known that books are our best friends and
obstacle for the lesson. «Students need to assets as well as assistants, nothing can
understand that this school-related replace them. Electronic books may not be
communication is different from their social cost- effective and can cause eyestrain. If
conversations with friends outside of school». there are any viruses in your gadgests they
[3, 24]. may delete or damage e-books, in this case
Most of learners cannot interact and you cannot find and read important
share their opinions and problems openly, information on it in any time you want. But
they prefer to communicate through sites real books are handy to carry with ourselves
rather than open interactions. rather than computers, laptops and we can
As it is obvious that softwares are read them in any time and everywhere.
keeping on updating and most teachers have Today our president is taking into
not technical skills, it is true that they may consideration that the youth of our state
have enough teaching experiences but they should read and obtain knowledge from the
cannot use modern IC technologies, in this real books rather than e-books and ICT. Real
case they should work with the teachers of books can give us real knowledge and truth.
ICT for running the lesson effectively, if it is Methodology.
necessary. A study aimed at finding difficulties
Another drawback of using ICT is and challenges faced by teachers in using
extinction of good handwritings. As information communication technologies in
nowadays almost all documents are typed and English classrooms in schools of Samarkand
should be in e-version. Pens and papers are district. 4 and 11 secondary schools 11 of
easily replaced its places to computers, English teachers were interviewed. The
laptops, smart phones, desktops and tablets, teachers were selected from two different
therefore nowadays, finding a good areas of Samarkand district. 6 teachers from
handwriting is like finding a needle in the the village of Badal and 5 teachers from
haystack. While using e-devices people may Sochak.
have some problems with their health, as lack The questions of interview were
of eyesight, and some problems in our prepared and structured beforehand in order to
nervous system. More using ICT get people find the answers and solutions if there are any
tired quickly and slow down our thinking problems in using ICT, for following research
process. questions:
One of a sorrowful drawback is 1. How do Samarkand district
creating cheating atmosphere in teaching and secondary school English teachers manage
learning process through ICT. It has already problems in using ICT in teaching EFL
stated about that mechanized world makes the (English as foreign language)?
youth lazy day by day. Cheating or plagiarism 2. If there is a problem with using
is illegal activity however technology made it ICT, how do Samarkand district secondary
more powerful and easy to use especially school English teachers motivate and
while examination environment. It goes conduct the lesson without ICT?
without doubt that the internet is full of Before conducting interviews teachers
information and without using thought read the questions and thought about them.
Then all interviews were in English in March