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Хорижий филология  №2, 2019 йил

            sharing ideas out loud, this method gets your       who feel invested in a subject are more likely
            students to better think about how to structure     to write more and try harder.
            an  essay  and  share  their  writing  styles.  It  is   •  Give them a greater purpose.
            truth  when  pupils  write  together  on  a  one        Writing an essay for a grade is not always
            paper they share their ideas; they correct their    enough  to  get  some  students  engaged,
            mistakes.                                           especially if they are trying already. Raise the
                •  Giving students a sentence starter.          stakes  and  give  them  a  greater  purpose  by
                A writing prompt or starter sentence does       creating  unique  assignments.  For  example,
            not  allow  your  student  to  claim  they  do  not   have them write a blog post they have to share
            know what to write about and forces them to         with  the  class  or  a  travel  brochure  to  their
            begin while guiding them.                           favorite destination.
                •  Giving students a writing warm-up.               •  Conference with your students
                Allow  your  students  to  free  write  for  a      Whether in small groups or one-on-one, it
            few minutes and encourage them to disregard         is  necessary  for  teachers  to  pay  attention  to
            structure and grammar (for now). Free writing       each  student  and  identify  where  they  are
            is an excellent method for getting the creative     trying hard. When students feel disengaged, it
            juices  going.  From  this  method  teacher  can    may be because they think  they have no the
            identify  pupils‘  background,  outlook,  level     skills to do well. Make sure to target different
            and interest.                                       areas for each student.
                   Disorganized and Lack of Structure                  Teaching  kids  writing  skills  at  home
                •  Organize  assignments  and  include          as  in  the  classroom  is  essential  because  it
                    visual aids.                                shows  kids  multiple  methods  and  ways  to
                Instead  of  making  students  write  a  five-  write. Writing at home also keeps what child
            paragraph essay all at once, break each part of     learned  in  school  fresher  in  their  minds.  At
            it  into  sections.  Provide  students  with  a     home,  they  feel  free  themselves  than  in  a
            graphic  breakdown  of  each  section  that         class. Because in a class they may be afraid of
            includes helpful tips for writing and structure.    their  teacher  or  they  may  be  shy  with  their
                •  Provide models of good writing               classmates.  Knowing  how  to  help  kids  with
                Give  your  students  an  example  of  what     writing  is  not  always  easy.  Here  are  given
            you are looking for and provide explanations        some ways parents can help at home:
            for different sections.                                    •  Task  your  child  with  writing
                •  Mini-Lessons                                 instructions for taking care of the family pet.
                Instead of paying attention on an essay as             •  Dictate to your child what you need
            a whole, teach smaller pieces of the essay and      on your shopping list and have them write the
            its  structure.  Take  10  -  15  minutes  to  pay   items down.
            attentiononly on lead sentences or transitional            •  Have them spend five minutes after
            phrases.  In  my  opinion  writing  an  essay  is   school journaling about their day.
            difficult  for  elementary  school‘s  pupils.  If          •  Write    an   online   review    of
            they write a simple story it will not be more       something they like.
            difficult than essays.                                     If  parents  use  these  following
                •  Give your students a toolbox.                instructions  to  teach  writing  pupils  can
                A  writing  toolbox  can  include  anything     achieve  in  writing.  Hence,  parents  are
            you  think  may  help  to  struggle  students       expected  to  pay  attention  to  their  children.
            improve their writing. Include resources like a     Parents  should  create  a  placeat  home  where
            list of transitional words or phrases, a list of    their  child  will  feel  comfortable  doing
            words to avoid, and a grammar cheat sheet.          homework and other writing exercises. When
                   Disconnected from the Assignment             doing exercises with them, parents should not
                •  Give your students a topic choice.           be  afraid  of  making  it  fun  with  crayons,
            Either let your students choose from a list of      colored pencils, and markers.If parents enjoy
            approved  topics  or  give  them  the  option  to   reading to their child, they should try to write
            choose their own for approval. Often, students      a  story  together.  By  reading  and  writing

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