Page 61 - 2-сон 2019 йил
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Хорижий филология  №2, 2019 йил

                                  APPLICATION STRATEGIES OF EMOTIONAL

                                                        Li Di Di
                                              teacher of Confucius institute

                 Key words: Emotional education, emotional qualities, positive emotions, teaching strategies,
            emotional factors.

                 English  is  one  of  the  most  important     expectations in English learning, and actively
            subjects for university students.                   participate  in  the  learning  process  and  class
                   Teachers  should  pay  attention  to         activities of university English.
            emotional factors in English teaching in order           (2)    Eliminate  students'  psychological
            to  improve  students'  English  literacy  and      barriers of English learning.
            ability.  The  English  teachers  should  create         Emotional teaching of university English
            harmony,  pleasant,  and  inspiring  learning       can  create  a  relaxed,  pleasant,  equal,  and
            atmosphere, transforming the original English       harmonious  classroom  teaching  atmosphere
            teaching    methods    andusing    emotional        and situation, the students will unconsciously
            teaching  methods  and  strategies,  which  can     involve  in  the  situation,  gradually  eliminate
            cultivate  students‘  interests    and  have  a     the  negative  emotional  barriers  of  English
            passion in learning English.                        learning.  At  the  same  time,  using  emotional
                   1.    The  role  analysis  of  emotional     teaching strategies can enhance the emotional
            teaching in university English teaching.            communication  and  interaction  between
                   Focusing  on  emotional  teaching,           teachers and students, and eliminate students‘
            teachers  also  pay  attention  to  students'       anxiety  and  fear  in  English  learning,  and
            emotions,  which can help the teachers know         improve the efficiency of learning English.
            about  the  emotional  state  of  students  in  the      2.  The  emotional  factors  affecting
            process  of  English  learning,  and  thus  exert   university English teaching.
            positive  effects  of  emotions,  eliminate  the         (1)  Interest.
            negative effects of emotions. Meanwhile, the             Interest  is  the  premise  of  seeking
            teachers  should  pay  attention  to  students'     knowledge,  positive  interest  enables  the
            learning  attitudes,  emotions,  beliefs  so  as  to   learner‘s brain to be the most active state, and
            adjust  the  teaching  plan  reasonably  and        the  learners  will  study  actively  and
            ensure  the  effect  of  university  English        energetically; on the other hand, if they lose
            teaching.                                           learning interest, which will lead to negative
                   (1)Fully  stimulate  students'  interest     state  and  be  tired  of  learning.Obviously,
            and enthusiasm in English learning.                 interest  of  learning  English    is  important
                  From  the  view  of  psychology,  positive    emotional factors in university English,  some
            emotions help to stimulate students‘ learning       of students can‘t  realize the significance  and
            motivation and desire. If the teachers can use      impact  on  their  future  life,  so  they  lack  of
            the  strategies  and  principles  of    emotional   motivation  and  interest  in  learning  English,
            teaching,  which  will  stimulate  the  positive    and  affecting  the  efficiency  of  university
            emotions  of  learning  English,  transform  the    English learning.
            monotonous  and  boring  situation  of  the              (2) Confidence.
            English  classroom,  enable  English  teachers           University English is more difficult than
            pay  more  attention  to  students‘  emotional      high school English, so it is essential to build
            experience  in  learning  English,  create  a       the  students‘  confidence  when  they  are
            harmonious  teaching  atmosphere  so  as  to        learning English. If  they lack self confidence,
            shorten  the  distance  between  teachers  and      they  will  not  overcome  the  interference  of
            students,  enhance  students'  psychological        negative  emotions,  have  the  thoughts  that

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