Page 62 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 62
Хорижий филология №2, 2019 йил
English is so difficult and tend to give up (2) Exploring the emotional factors in
learning, which will have negative impacts on university English textbooks.
their efficiency of learning English. Teachers can fully explore the emotional
Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the factors in university English textbooks,
cultivation of students' self-confidence in prepare for new lessons from different angles
university English. Teachers should have such as semantics, grammar. Teachers can
enough patience, and through appropriate process the learning materials from the
learning guidance, students will gradually emotional point of view, display and present
establish the confidence of English learning, the materials to students, realize the
which will become a basis of lifelong transmission and exchange of emotional
learning for students. factors in English chapters to cultivate the
(3) Anxiety. positive emotions, develop the learning
Anxiety in university English learning is desire, realizing the effects of imparting
a normal emotional response. Some students knowledge and conveying one‘s feeling in
have different degrees of anxiety due to lack university English teaching. At the same time,
of confidence in English learning. When teachers should conduct emotional teaching in
students are in moderate anxiety, that will a way that students can accept, express the
help English learning, and moderate anxiety emotional contents in a fascinating, appealing
can be transformed into motivation for and humorous way, making students are
English learning. However, excessive immersed in the moods of enjoying learning
psychological anxiety can cause the ,and motivating themselves to participate in
temporary disorder of students, distract them English learning activities.
from what they‘re learning and is not For example, when teachers explain the
conducive to students' English learning. topic of ―security‖ in university English
3. The strategies exploration of teaching, they can illustrate the content from
emotional teaching in university English the perspective that security is one of the most
teaching. basic psychological needs of human beings,
(1) Creating an emotional and effective guiding students to think and discuss, let
platform of university English classroom to students express themselves freely. Students
stimulate students‘ interest in learning can use examples to express their attitudes
English. and feelings about ―security‖, so as to help
The teachers should combine the them examine themselves, and know about
students' English knowledge level and their individual needs.
characteristics to create positive learning 3. Create a good teacher-student
atmosphere and situation, fully stimulate the relationship and atmosphere.
students‘ learning interest, and improve their According to the emotional teaching
ability to communicate in English. The strategies of university English teaching,
teachers can prepare and design appropriate teachers should create harmonious
language topics, and combine the hot topics relationships between teachers and students
that the students are interested to carry out on the premise of mutual respect and mutual
effective English teaching. Take travelling for understanding, and improve the efficiency of
example, the teachers can design language university English classroom teaching. The
topics for a scenic spot to encourage students classroom atmosphere can be created by
to express and write. Students can collect teachers and students, it is also a
materials from different aspects, such as psychological state displayed by teachers and
asking others, search the internet, etc, create students. When teachers are in full-spirited
the travel guides and the introductions to the and vivid teaching attitude and mood, the
spots, arise studying enthusiasm , make the learning attention of students will also be the
students feel like expressing their views and best state. Students can feel the teachers‘
get better interaction between teachers and concern, love, trust and expectation due to
students. teachers‘ friendly eyes, kind attitude and