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Хорижий филология  №2, 2019 йил

            relaxed expression, which leads to emotional        activities,  improve  their  ability  of    English
            transfer, making students be immersed in the        oral  expression,  communication  skills,  etc,
            learning content and activities, eliminating the    and  generate  the  feeling  of  self-satisfaction
            tension and fear of learning English.               and success.
                 Take ― Giving Thanks‖ for example, the              Teachers can adopt  flexible and diverse
            text is about the three letters of thanks to the    teaching design methods when use emotional
            father,  grandmother  and  principal  to  express   teaching  in  the  university  English,  such  as:
            the  author‘s  thanks  to  them.  To  the  author‘s   five-minute  speech  in  English  class,  English
            surprise, he received the replying letters from     reading,  English  dialogue,  group  debate,
            them and expressed their thanks to the author.      English  sitcom  performance,  etc..  These
            The  text  can  inspire  students‘  beautiful       flexible  English  teaching  designs  can  better
            emotions and educate them to have a grateful        enhance  students'  participation  in  English
            heart. Teachers can let students connect with       learning and improve the learning efficiency.
            their daily  life,  guide students  in  a fun, life-  At  the  same  time,  teaching  activities  should
            oriented language, and create a free, equal and     be  associated  with  actual  life  to  stimulate
            relaxed  English  learning  atmosphere,  so  that   students‘   enthusiasm    and    interest   in
            teachers  and  students  are  unconsciously         participation.
            integrated into it and enjoy the atmosphere of           4. Conclusion.
            university    English   classroom,    inspire            Emotional    teaching    strategies   in
            students‘  thought,  and  explore  the  inner       university  English  teaching  are  effective
            mystery of university English knowledge.            teaching  strategies  and  methods  to  stimulate
                 (4)  Pay  attention  to  the  connection       students'  English  learning  enthusiasm  and
            between university English and daily life, and      eliminate  students'  psychological  barriers.
            encourage  initiatives  in  participating  in       Teachers should comprehensively analyze the
            classroom activities.                               emotional  factors  in  university  English
                 The  emotional  teaching  of  university       teaching,  make  the  emotional  teaching
            English  should  be  linked  to  students‘  daily   associate with students‘ real life, explore the
            life,  and  make  university  English  return  to   emotional  factors  in  textbooks,  design  and
            life. Based on the actual life and the level of     create a harmonious, equal, free and enjoyable
            students,  carry  out  flexible  and  diverse       English learning atmosphere, so that students'
            English teaching designs so that students can       positive  emotions  can  be  stimulated  to  the
            fully  recognize  the  connection  between          maximum  extent,  thus  they  can  actively
            English  teaching  and  life,  and  truly  feel  the   participate  in  various  English  learning
            value of university English knowledge in life,      practices and promote the effect of university
            thus  actively  participating  in  the  learning    English                             learning.

                 [1]Chen  Hongying.  How  to  integrate  gratitude  education  in  college  English
            teaching[J].Western quality education, 2017(3).
                 [2]Deng  Jing.  University    English  Teaching  Reform:  Personalization,  Discipline,  and
            Chinese[J]. Crazy English ,2017(2).
                 [3]Ma  Qin.  Emotional  interaction  between  teachers  and  students  in  university  English
            classroom teaching[J]. The journal of Eurasia University,2017(17).
                 [4]Wu  Huihua.  A  Brief  Discussion  on  Student-centered  University    English
            Teaching[J].The journal of Kaifeng Education College,2016(12).

                 Ли Ди Ди. Эмоциональное воспитание является частью образовательного процесса.
            Эмоциональное образование может развить эмоциональные качества учащихся и побудить
            их  к  формированию  положительных  эмоций  и  приятного  опыта.  Поэтому  мы  должны
            обращать внимание на эмоциональные стратегии и методы обучения в преподавании языка,
            применять эмоциональные факторы к знаниям и навыкам преподавания английского языка в

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