Page 68 - 3-son 2018 yil
P. 68

Хорижий филология  №3, 2018 йил

                   II.     Derivative possibility of Uzbek

                   Hitherto  owing  to  lack  of  resources  of  Uzbek  language  in  database,  we  may  see  some
            problems  like  verbal  categories  in  morphology.  In  order  to  analyze  correctly  morphemes  in  the
            context it should be construct classification and structure of verbs. Derivation is also productive in
                           Stem (Noun)       Derivative affixes        Part of speech
                           Gul (Flower)      -chi (florist)            Noun
                                             -dor                      Adj.
                                             -li (floral)              Adj.
                                             -siz (without flower)     Adj.
                                             -chilik                   Noun
                                             -la (blossom)             Verb
                                             -don (flowerpot)          Noun

                  There are some issues on the types of affixes in the approach of inflection and derivation. For
            instance in derivational diversity of we can see the models of morphotactics in the verbs:

            Noun+                  -a  =>sana,  -an  =>kuchan,  -i=>ranji,    -ik=>ko‗zik,    -ir=>gapir,    -y=>
                                   kuchay,  -ka=>iska,  -la=>gulla,  -lan=>faxrlan, -lash=>ommalash, -lashtir
                                   =>sahnalashtir,    -sit=>aybsit,    -sira=>suvsira,    -iq  =>  yo‗liq,  -g‘ar=>
                                   jamg‗ar, -qar =>boshqar
           Adjective+              -a=>qiyna,  -i=>tinchi,  -ay=>toray,  -la =>maydala, -lan=>shodlan, -lash
                                   =>osonlash,  -lat=>  -lashtir=>soxtalashtir,  -r=>qisqar,  -ar  =>oqar,  -si
                                   =>garangsi,  -sin  =>yotsin,  -sira=>begonasira,  -t=>to‗lat,    -it=>berkit,    -
            Numeral+               -ik=>birik,  -lan=>ikkilan,  -lash=>birlash
            Pronoun+               -la =>sizla, -si =>mensi, -sira=>sensira
            Adverb+                -ik=>kechik,    -ir=>ko‗pir,  -ay=>ko‗pay,    -la=>tezla,  -lash=>birgalash,  -
                                   sit=>kamsit, -chi=>ko‗pchi
            Imitative words +      -a=>shildira,  -illa =>guvilla, -ur=>tupur, -ira=>yaltira,  -la=>gumburla,  -
                                   ra=>ma‘ra, -shi=>g‗ingshi, qir=>hayqir
            Modal words+           –la=>yo‗qla,  -ol =>yo‗qol, -ot=>yo‗qot
            +modal affixes+        -imsira=>kulimsiramoq,  -inqira=>oqarinqiramoq,  -kila=>tepkilamoq,  -
                                   qila=>chopqilamoq,     -gila=>yugurgilamoq,      -g‘ila=>ezg‘ilamoq,     -
                                   ish=>to‗lishmoq,   -q=>tutaqmoq,     -iq=>toliqmoq,    -k=>junjikmoq,    -
                                   ik=>ko‗nikmoq,  -la=>savalamoq,  -ala=>quvalamoq,  -qi=>yulqimoq,  -
                                   g‘i=>to‗zg‗imoq, -a=>buramoq

                   Overall 56 types of lexical affixes that     crucial  for  computational  analysis.      For
            made by other parts of speech. In our lexicon       example,  the  word  och  has  different  senses:
            includes 50 000 entries and their subdivision       och  rang  –light  colour,  qorin  och  –  be
            of categorical parameters.                          hungry. Besides the word “och” comes as  a
                  Some  multifunctional  affixes  of  them      component of idioms or compound verbs.
            come as homonyms. They make other parts of          Ishtahani och  +ib {ber, bo‗l,  chiq, ket, ko‗r,
            speech like noun, adjective, adverb and so on.      qo‗y, tashla}
            In most cases, the words may be ambiguous                                    +a {bil, boshla, ol}
            apart from discourse. Therefore, to point out       Ko‗gilni och+ib { ber, ko‗r, o‗tir, qo‗y, tashla,
            the certain places in syntactic position is also    yubor}
                                                                                      +a {ol}

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