Page 70 - 3-son 2018 yil
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Хорижий филология  №3, 2018 йил

            and  finishes  unsuccessfully).    Because  until                 print(word[0:k])
            the end of the word we cannot find a word in                      word=word[k:]
            database similar the word which we cut. If we                             if(len(word)>10):
            start  cutting  a  letters  from  the  beginning  of                          k=10
            the  word,  the  same  problem  can  be  faced                            else:
            anyway.                                                                       k=len(word)
                  Next,  another  idea  is  using  contains
            method  of  the  programming.  To  do  this:  we                  elif(qoshimchalarOt.__contains
            identify  a  length  of  the  word;  select  words                __(word[0:k])):
            from  the  database  that  have  less  length  than                       print(word[0:k])
            the words‘; search all words in the component                             word = word[k:]
            of the word; if not found then decreasing the                             if (len(word) > 10):
            length  of  selected  words  and  repeating  the                              k = 10
            process until getting to success. However, in                             else:
            this  case  we  have  more  and  more                                         k = len(word)
            combinations.                                       RESULT: BOLAJONLARIMGAMI
                  Despite these problems above if we get         (to my dear children?)
            a base using some methods, we can identify a                      bola
            type part of speech of the base. But, parsing                     jon
            all  appendixes  is  also  not  easy.  As  our                    lar
            approach  to  morphological  analyzing  from                      im
            left  to  right  is  appropriate  for  Uzbek                      ga
            language.  Firstly,  stem  is  taken  according  to               mi
            parts  of  speech  database,  then  identifying                      Conclusion
            Taking  example  of  some  lexeme  and                     As  we  showed  above  the  model  of
            wordforms we obtained like this algorithm by        morphotactic of Uzbek is crucial for analysis.
            python.                                             Uzbek  verbs  have  grammatical  categories
                  k=1                                           which  are  should  be  clarified  stage  of
                  for i in range(0, len(word)):                 segmentation  each  of  them.  Segmentation  of
                      if(otlar.__contains__(word[0: i+1])):     morphological  parsing  is  multilevel  process,
                           k=i+1                                so there are a number of notable approaches
                  print(word[0: k])                             in  the  world.  Each  grammatical  and
                  word=word[k:]                                 orthographical  rules  are  important  for  finite
                  k=10                                          state  transducer.  The  current  article  presents
                  while(len(word)>0):                           some  ways  to  resolve  morphoanalyzer  issue
                                                                for machine translation.

                  1.  Jurafskiy D. Speech and language processing. 2007. – P. 4.
                  2.  Mitkov R. The Oxford handbook of computational linguistics.  -P. 62.
                  3.  Cyril Goutte, Nicola Cancedda, Marc Dymetman, and George Foster Learning Machine
            Translation Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 2009. - P.6.
                  4.  Raül  Canals,  Anna  Esteve,  Alicia  Garrido,  interNOSTRUM:  A  Spanish  Catalan
            Machine Translation System, Machine Translation Review, Issue No. 11, December (2000)  –PP.
                  5.  Krister Lindén, Miikka Silfverberg, and Tommi Pirinen HFST Tools for Morphology – An
            Efficient Open-Source.

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