Page 71 - 3-son 2018 yil
P. 71

Хорижий филология  №3, 2018 йил

                  6.  Package for Construction of Morphological Analyzers / – Computational Morphology in
            the Framework of the SLIM Theory of Language / State of the Art in Computational Morphology. –
            Zurich, 2009 P. 30.
                  7.  Cerstin Mahlow, Michael Piotrowski (eds.). JSLIM – Computational Morphology in the
            Framework of the SLIM Theory of Language / State of the Art in Computational Morphology. –
            Zurich, 2009. –P. 15.
                  8.  D.  Suleymanov,  R.  Gilmullin,  R.  Gataullin  Morphological  analysis  system  of  the  Tatar
            language based on the two-level morphological model / Turklang 2017. Kazan, 2017. pp. 6-26.

                  Abdurakhmonova  N.,  Tuliyev  U.  Morphological  analysis  by  finite  state  transducer  for
            uzbek-english  machine  translation.  This  article  describes  brief  results  of  the  stages  of  an
            automatic morphological analyzer for Uzbek language, which used for machine translation system.
            The paper analyzes ordering of segment and the rules of the Uzbek wordforms generation in the
            frame of morphological aspect.
                   Abduraxmonova  N.,  Тулиев  У.  Инглизча-ўзбекча  машина  таржимасида
            морфоанализатор таҳлили. Ushbu maqolada mashina tarjimasida foydalaniladigan avtomatik
            morfoanalizatorning  bosqichlari  amalga  oshirish  natijalarini  qisqacha  yoritib  o„tilgan.
            Shuningdek, o„zbek tilidagi so„zlarining segment birliklari tartibi va qoidasi morfologik aspektda
            tahlilga tortilgan.

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