A language is a living lexical system in which new words are constantly appearing and outdated ones are dying out. The pace of these changes is uneven. And now the Russian language is going through a period when, as a result of a number of drastic social changes, it became necessary to designate many new concepts. A rapidly developing society, constant changes and innovations in social, economic, scientific and technical life cannot but be reflected in the language. The vocabulary of the language is constantly updated with new units.

It is known that the end of the XX century is called the century of neologisms. In order to remain a person modern to his own time, to constantly keep up with civilization, to understand the language of the media, it is necessary to get acquainted with new words that constantly appear in the language and thereby demonstrate its inexhaustible possibilities.

Often, watching TV, reading newspapers, magazines, we are faced with the fact that many words are simply incomprehensible to us. The state of the modern Russian language at the end in the twentieth century, the changes that are actively taking place in it are so noticeable that they do not leave indifferent either the linguistic community, or among journalists and publicists, or even modern society, which are reflected in the language. Every day people try to live more interesting and comfortable lives, for this they make new discoveries in different spheres of life. One of the most striking examples is the invention of the satellite, thanks to which the Internet appeared, without which people can no longer imagine life.

The main feature of neologism is its absolute novelty for most native speakers. The word has been in a state of neologism for a very short time. As soon as a word begins to be actively used, it loses its sign of novelty and gradually enters the lexical system of the language as a commonly used one.

The vocabulary of the Russian language is constantly updated with new words. The country's international ties are strengthening, cultural life is changing, and new sports are emerging. All this is reflected in the language.

"The huge influx of new words and the need to describe them," N.N. Lavrov notes, "were the reason for the creation at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. a special branch of lexicology is neology." The study of neologisms began relatively recently, starting in the 60s of the XX century, as evidenced by numerous linguists, scientific articles, dissertation research. So, what are neologisms?  Why are they capable of radically changing our modern Russian language?

According to N.M. Shansky, neologisms are new lexical formations that arise due to social necessity to designate a new object or phenomenon, retain a sense of novelty for native speakers and which have not yet entered or have not entered into general literary use.

A word is a neologism as long as it feels fresh and commonly used.

There are different ways to replenish vocabulary. The vocabulary of the Russian language is updated by the appearance of new words themselves, the development of new meanings in old words.

Another way to replenish vocabulary is borrowing. As a result of our country's political, trade, economic and cultural contacts with other countries, foreign words are penetrating into the Russian vocabulary.

The Russian language has always been open to borrowings. Since the era of Peter the Great, the vocabulary has been enriched with words from Western European languages. Especially a lot of words came from the French language. These are:

political words- (авангард, актив, дилетант, министр, деспот, офицер, президент, реформа)

art- (анонс, балет, мода, шедевр, дирижер, декорatsiя, шедевр, оркестр, рояль, вальс, сеанс),

 names of household items, clothing, and products- (жилет, капюшон, тюль, портфель, метро, диван, ваниль, бульон, пюре, десерт, желе, терраса).

Borrowed from the Polish language- (бутылка, винт, гитара, дуршлаг, индюк, повидло, паштет, кофта, шаль, каникулы, комедия, цифра, шпаргалка, дистанция, квартира, карета, фабрика). 

From the Italian origin- (виолончель, опера, либретто, вермишель, помидор). The words came from Dutch into Russian (лоцман, верфь, зонтик, кастрюля, флаг).

  • In recent years, most of the new words have been borrowed from the English language using calculus.
  • Reasons for borrowing:
  • Borrowing a word together with borrowing a thing or concept (шейкер, боулинг, постер, менеджер),

• the tendency to replace the descriptive name with a one–word one (realtor is a real estate sales specialist, promoter is a sales representative, barter is a commodity exchange without the participation of money),

• borrowing is due to the influence of foreign culture, dictated by the fashion for foreign words (security guard, image).

Native speakers treat the process of borrowing in different ways. Even among linguists, there are different points of view. Some call the process of borrowing "linguistic lawlessness" and talk about the possible disappearance of the language; others believe that there is nothing wrong with borrowing and that the Russian language is not in danger, since it knows how to clean up, get rid of unnecessary things, including foreign words.

The active use of neologisms by society, according to V.G. Kostomarov, is primarily a "linguistic taste of the era." That is, the linguistic taste of our period is characterized by the use of fresh words in various spheres of society. And also based on the scientific research of N.S. Valgina, one of the main reasons for the emergence and change of the modern Russian language are foreign borrowings, most of which are English words origins, which in turn reproduce the two categories: on the one hand, these are really the needs of a radically changed life (a change of political, ideological, ideological, orientations), on the other – Americanomania, when not only technical innovations become attractive, but also standards of living, manners of behavior and communication, tastes.

In addition, the increasing role of funds has a huge impact mass media, where it should be noted that new words update the language, make journalistic texts more modern and allow the author to avoid speech clichés and patterns. The positive aspects of the active use of neologisms in media texts include the fact that new words have a greater semantic capacity compared to their Russian counterparts, besides innovations perform a special stylistic role in the text.

This can be seen in the example of words that are often used in media vocabulary: account – an account that is created for the user when registering in an electronic system; shortlist - a list created as a result of pre–selection from a limited number of applicants for a particular award, from which the best is determined; blackout – power outage as a result of an accident, a terrorist attack, leading to the failure of important industrial facilities, etc.

Having studied the literature on the issue of neologisms, we have come to the following conclusions. The emergence of new words in a language is considered a continuous process, and no research in this area can close this topic, at least as long as there are different languages, cultures, and communication between them, as well as modern mass media reflect current, time–specific phenomena, that is, capture certain symbols of the era.





1. Bragina A.A. Neologisms in the Russian language: A handbook for students and Teachers, M., 1973.-224 p.

2. Valgina N.S. Active processes in the modern Russian language: Textbook for university students. –M.: Logos, 2003. -304 p.

3.Kotelova N.Z. New words and dictionaries of new words. Leningrad, 1978.

4. Gulrukh Doniyorova, Guzal Djumayeva, Dilfuza Djabbarova. A  technology  for  teaching  ESP  to  those studying  ecology  and  environmental sustainability. BIO Web Conference.Volume 93, 2024.International Scientific Forestry Forum 2023: Forest Ecosystems as Global Resource of the Biosphere: Calls, Threats, Solutions (Forestry Forum 2023).


Ахмедова Ф. Использование неологизмов при обучении студентов нatsiональных групп на практическом занятии по русскому языку. Статья посвящена изучению неологизмов, то есть лексики, новизну которой ощущают носители языка. Причины появления неологизмов в современном русском языке. Языковой вкус эпохи, а также влияние иностранных заимствований на современный русский язык.


Ahmedova F. Rus tili amaliy darsida milliy guruh talabalarini o‘qitishda neologizmlardan foydalanish. Maqola neologizmlarni, ya'ni ona tilida so‘zlashuvchilar yangilikni his qiladigan so‘z boyligini o‘rganishga bag‘ishlangan. Zamonaviy rus tilida neologizmlarning paydo bo‘lishining sabablari. Davrning lingvistik didi, shuningdek, xorijiy qarzlarning zamonaviy rus tiliga ta'siri.




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