Li Di Di

teacher of Confucius institute

Key words: Emotional education, emotional qualities, positive emotions, teaching strategies, emotional factors.

English is one of the most important subjects for university students.

Teachers should pay attention to emotional factors in English teaching in order to improve students' English literacy and ability. The English teachers should create harmony, pleasant, and inspiring learning atmosphere, transforming the original English teaching methods andusing emotional teaching methods and strategies, which can cultivate students’ interests and have a passion in learning English.

1. The role analysis of emotional teaching in university English teaching.

Focusing on emotional teaching, teachers also pay attention to students' emotions, which can help the teachers know about the emotional state of students in the process of English learning, and thus exert positive effects of emotions, eliminate the negative effects of emotions. Meanwhile, the teachers should pay attention to students' learning attitudes, emotions, beliefs so as to adjust the teaching plan reasonably and ensure the effect of university English teaching.

(1)Fully stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm in English learning.

From the view of psychology, positive emotions help to stimulate students’ learning motivation and desire. If the teachers can use the strategies and principles of emotional teaching, which will stimulate the positive emotions of learning English, transform the monotonous and boring situation of the English classroom, enable English teachers pay more attention to students’ emotional experience in learning English, create a harmonious teaching atmosphere so as to shorten the distance between teachers and students, enhance students' psychological expectations in English learning, and actively participate in the learning process and class activities of university English.

(2) Eliminate students' psychological barriers of English learning.

Emotional teaching of university English can create a relaxed, pleasant, equal, and harmonious classroom teaching atmosphere and situation, the students will unconsciously involve in the situation, gradually eliminate the negative emotional barriers of English learning. At the same time, using emotional teaching strategies can enhance the emotional communication and interaction between teachers and students, and eliminate students’ anxiety and fear in English learning, and improve the efficiency of learning English.

2. The emotional factors affecting university English teaching.

(1) Interest.

Interest is the premise of seeking knowledge, positive interest enables the learner’s brain to be the most active state, and the learners will study actively and energetically; on the other hand, if they lose learning interest, which will lead to negative state and be tired of learning.Obviously, interest of learning English is important emotional factors in university English, some of students can’t realize the significance and impact on their future life, so they lack of motivation and interest in learning English, and affecting the efficiency of university English learning.

(2) Confidence.

University English is more difficult than high school English, so it is essential to build the students’ confidence when they are learning English. If they lack self confidence, they will not overcome the interference of negative emotions, have the thoughts that English is so difficult and tend to give up learning, which will have negative impacts on their efficiency of learning English. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of students' self-confidence in university English. Teachers should have enough patience, and through appropriate learning guidance, students will gradually establish the confidence of English learning, which will become a basis of lifelong learning for students.

(3) Anxiety.

Anxiety in university English learning is a normal emotional response. Some students have different degrees of anxiety due to lack of confidence in English learning. When students are in moderate anxiety, that will help English learning, and moderate anxiety can be transformed into motivation for English learning. However, excessive psychological anxiety can cause the temporary disorder of students, distract them from what they’re learning and is not conducive to students' English learning.

3. The strategies exploration of emotional teaching in university English teaching.

(1) Creating an emotional and effective platform of university English classroom to stimulate students’ interest in learning English.

The teachers should combine the students' English knowledge level and characteristics to create positive learning atmosphere and situation, fully stimulate the students’ learning interest, and improve their ability to communicate in English. The teachers can prepare and design appropriate language topics, and combine the hot topics that the students are interested to carry out effective English teaching. Take travelling for example, the teachers can design language topics for a scenic spot to encourage students to express and write. Students can collect materials from different aspects, such as asking others, search the internet, etc, create the travel guides and the introductions to the spots, arise studying enthusiasm , make the students feel like expressing their views and get better interaction between teachers and students.

(2) Exploring the emotional factors in university English textbooks.

Teachers can fully explore the emotional factors in university English textbooks, prepare for new lessons from different angles such as semantics, grammar. Teachers can process the learning materials from the emotional point of view, display and present the materials to students, realize the transmission and exchange of emotional factors in English chapters to cultivate the positive emotions, develop the learning desire, realizing the effects of imparting knowledge and conveying one’s feeling in university English teaching. At the same time, teachers should conduct emotional teaching in a way that students can accept, express the emotional contents in a fascinating, appealing and humorous way, making students are immersed in the moods of enjoying learning ,and motivating themselves to participate in English learning activities.

For example, when teachers explain the topic of “security” in university English teaching, they can illustrate the content from the perspective that security is one of the most basic psychological needs of human beings, guiding students to think and discuss, let students express themselves freely. Students can use examples to express their attitudes and feelings about “security”, so as to help them examine themselves, and know about their individual needs.

3. Create a good teacher-student relationship and atmosphere.

According to the emotional teaching strategies of university English teaching, teachers should create harmonious relationships between teachers and students on the premise of mutual respect and mutual understanding, and improve the efficiency of university English classroom teaching. The classroom atmosphere can be created by teachers and students, it is also a psychological state displayed by teachers and students. When teachers are in full-spirited and vivid teaching attitude and mood, the learning attention of students will also be the best state. Students can feel the teachers’ concern, love, trust and expectation due to teachers’ friendly eyes, kind attitude and relaxed expression, which leads to emotional transfer, making students be immersed in the learning content and activities, eliminating the tension and fear of learning English.

Take “ Giving Thanks” for example, the text is about the three letters of thanks to the father, grandmother and principal to express the author’s thanks to them. To the author’s surprise, he received the replying letters from them and expressed their thanks to the author. The text can inspire students’ beautiful emotions and educate them to have a grateful heart. Teachers can let students connect with their daily life, guide students in a fun, life-oriented language, and create a free, equal and relaxed English learning atmosphere, so that teachers and students are unconsciously integrated into it and enjoy the atmosphere of university English classroom, inspire students’ thought, and explore the inner mystery of university English knowledge.

(4) Pay attention to the connection between university English and daily life, and encourage initiatives in participating in classroom activities.

The emotional teaching of university English should be linked to students’ daily life, and make university English return to life. Based on the actual life and the level of students, carry out flexible and diverse English teaching designs so that students can fully recognize the connection between English teaching and life, and truly feel the value of university English knowledge in life, thus actively participating in the learning activities, improve their ability of English oral expression, communication skills, etc, and generate the feeling of self-satisfaction and success.

Teachers can adopt flexible and diverse teaching design methods when use emotional teaching in the university English, such as: five-minute speech in English class, English reading, English dialogue, group debate, English sitcom performance, etc.. These flexible English teaching designs can better enhance students' participation in English learning and improve the learning efficiency. At the same time, teaching activities should be associated with actual life to stimulate students’ enthusiasm and interest in participation.

4. Conclusion.

Emotional teaching strategies in university English teaching are effective teaching strategies and methods to stimulate students' English learning enthusiasm and eliminate students' psychological barriers. Teachers should comprehensively analyze the emotional factors in university English teaching, make the emotional teaching associate with students’ real life, explore the emotional factors in textbooks, design and create a harmonious, equal, free and enjoyable English learning atmosphere, so that students' positive emotions can be stimulated to the maximum extent, thus they can actively participate in various English learning practices and promote the effect of university English learning.


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Ли Ди Ди. Эмоциональное воспитание является частью образовательного процесса. Эмоциональное образование может развить эмоциональные качества учащихся и побудить их к формированию положительных эмоций и приятного опыта. Поэтому мы должны обращать внимание на эмоциональные стратегии и методы обучения в преподавании языка, применять эмоциональные факторы к знаниям и навыкам преподавания английского языка в университете, чтобы помочь студентам университетов улучшить способность изучать английский язык, повысить их энтузиазм и интерес к изучению английского языка.

Li Di Di. Dissertatsiya ta'limi ta'lim jarayonining bir qismidir. Hissiy ta`lim talabalarning emosional fazilatlarini rivojlantirishi va ijobiy his-tuyg'ular va qiziqarli tajriba yaratishlariga yordam berishi mumkin. Shuning uchun, biz tilni o'qitishning emotsional ta'lim strategiyasi va usullariga e'tibor qaratishimiz kerak, universitet talabalariga ingliz tilini o'rganish qobiliyatini yaxshilash, ularning g'ayratini oshirish va ingliz tilini o'rganish qiziqishlarini oshirishda yordam berish maqsadida universitetning ingliz tili o'qituvchisi bilim va ko'nikmalariga hissiy omillarni qo'llashimiz kerak.

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