Abdurazzoqova Sabohat Abdurazzoq qizi,

Master student of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

Keys words: writing, elementary school, ICT, ideas, disorganization, and disconnection, writing activities.


The attention in learning English today is gaining a higher speed in the world as well as in Uzbekistan. The main factors for this phenomenon include expanding communication with the world after gaining the independence and increasing speed and scope of information exchange in the global village. Teaching English as a foreign language or a second language to school children is a difficult process. Especially primary school’s pupils think that English as simply another subject that they have to study at school or that their parents make them to learn English. At this point, they may not know the importance of these classes. They might consider English classes as simply another fun daily activity. Even teachers can encourage the pupils who are at this early age to develop an interest in learning English.This interest will stay with them long after they have finished these classes. So teachers should pay attention to every pupil attentively in order to encourage everyone to participate. Teachers should make these lessons relaxed and fun. Then pupils have an aim to study this subject.

Writing — it is an important form of communication and a key part of education. Hence, to teach writing skills should start from elementary schools. Depending on the level of students writing skills should be taught from simple to difficult. If it begins from elementary schools’ children these children will not come across many difficulties in writing in the future. “Writing is widely used in schools for assessment purposes, and for evaluating students’ knowledge. In order for students to become more proficient in writing, it must be used more for engaging students in reasoning skills across the curriculum. Writing experts agree that during writing, students are actively engaged in the topic and examine relationships among ideas. Writing also contributes to formulating new knowledge, developing an in-depth understanding of the content, cultivating concepts, and developing higher order thinking skills”.

It is known that at an elementary school’s period pupils first learn how language functions. Teachers expect understanding vocabulary, grammar, and spelling completely from pupils while simultaneously expressing and conveying ideas and discussions in a concise, organized way. It is hard to develop writing skills in a child but it is a necessary skill should begin from early age for pupils. Elementary school time plays an important role in a child’s development, and at this periodstudent learn and achieve exceptionally fast. When students reach middle or high school, they are expected to write multi-paragraph essays including formal introductions, arguments with supporting facts, and conclusions.

Information and communication technology makes communication easier, simpler, and more convenient than ever before. Young children in elementary school are receiving an outside education in the art of modern writing and communication. The main problem is that many students are learning habits at a crucial age that may help them choose the perfect emoji or GIF for a social situation, but it will not help them learn the appropriate forms of “your,” “you’re,” and “yours.”

The lack of formality in modern communication leaves educators unsure of how to teach writing to elementary students. No one outside of the classroom writes essays anymore. Instead, students write articles and blog posts, sms-chats. Therefore, teaching elementary students to write essays correctly can seem like an impossible task, especially when they spend so much time communicating with one another via other mediums.

“At The Graide Network, some tips are provided in order to help teachers and schools better educate their students:

• Data on elementary student writing levels

• How to help kids with writing

• How to develop your students’ writing skills in fun ways

According to reports from the National Center for Education, SAT mean scores in writing dropped from 497 to 484 over nine years (2006-2015). Furthermore, during this period, the number fell every year. With roughly only 25 percent of students testing as proficient in writing, it can be easy to point the finger at social media and constant access to screens. However, the issue starts in the classroom. In 2016, 40 percent of students who took the ACT writing exam lacked the reading and writing skills necessary to complete a college-level English composition class.

The problem is that language is a huge area, and with so many exceptions to the rule, students often have such a strong emotional effect and stop trying. Students often come across a variety of difficulties when it comes to writing, whether in the classroom or at home. From grammar to organization, these are the most common difficulties:

• Grammar

• Spelling

• Lack of topic ideas

• Lack of structure leading to disorganized thoughts

• A feeling of disconnect from the task.

When it comes to writing, the actual words students use and how they use those words is essential, but putting “pen to paper” is the last step of a long process that demands plenty of practice and planning. There are more signs that student is struggling with their writing than poor sentence-level mechanics. Whether you are a new teacher or not, you know that the signs of a struggling student go beyond the quality and grading of their tasks. Therefore, to improve their writing you need to address each area.

You can express a student that is trying very hard with their writing by paying main attention to their work and how they behave in the classroom. Many students who struggle to exhibit such signs as:

  • Poor spelling and grammar

  • Lack of organized thoughts and structure

  • An unwillingness to participate in a task

  • Sometimes the student does not feel they are prepared enough to complete it.

Now teachers think about the issues in writing and how to notice them, how to prevent them and provide students with a positive solution that will increase their writing efficiency. Young students, especially those in elementary school do not benefit from long attention spans. In fact, a 2015 study found that adults have an attention span that lasts about eight seconds. Keeping your students engaged while teaching them better writing skills is no small task.

During teaching to write using classroom activities can lead good results. Activities can motivate students to work together and accomplish the task. According to The Graide Network’s information these activities are divided into three sections that each of them is related to common issues: Ideas, disorganization, and disconnection from the assignment. These activities are very useful when to teach writing skills topupils.

Lack of Ideas

  • Orally share ideas in groups before having students write.

Allowing your students to create ideas, opinions in a group and brainstorm is an effective tool. If a student is unable to answer on an idea, hearing what others say can create inspiration. Additionally, if multiple kids are unable to answer on an idea, a group setting allows them to feel less alone from their lack of an idea. To my mind to use this activity with young learners is effective. Sharing ideas in a group can enlarge pupils’ background.

  • Writing together in a group.

Allow your students to work on a task in pairs, groups, or as a whole class. Similar to sharing ideas out loud, this method gets your students to better think about how to structure an essay and share their writing styles. It is truth when pupils write together on a one paper they share their ideas; they correct their mistakes.

  • Giving students a sentence starter.

A writing prompt or starter sentence does not allow your student to claim they do not know what to write about and forces them to begin while guiding them.

  • Giving students a writing warm-up.

Allow your students to free write for a few minutes and encourage them to disregard structure and grammar (for now). Free writing is an excellent method for getting the creative juices going. From this method teacher can identify pupils’ background, outlook, level and interest.

Disorganized and Lack of Structure

  • Organize assignments and include visual aids.

Instead of making students write a five-paragraph essay all at once, break each part of it into sections. Provide students with a graphic breakdown of each section that includes helpful tips for writing and structure.

  • Provide models of good writing

Give your students an example of what you are looking for and provide explanations for different sections.

  • Mini-Lessons

Instead of paying attention on an essay as a whole, teach smaller pieces of the essay and its structure. Take 10 - 15 minutes to pay attentiononly on lead sentences or transitional phrases. In my opinion writing an essay is difficult for elementary school’s pupils. If they write a simple story it will not be more difficult than essays.

  • Give your students a toolbox.

A writing toolbox can include anything you think may help to struggle students improve their writing. Include resources like a list of transitional words or phrases, a list of words to avoid, and a grammar cheat sheet.

Disconnected from the Assignment

  • Give your students a topic choice.

Either let your students choose from a list of approved topics or give them the option to choose their own for approval. Often, students who feel invested in a subject are more likely to write more and try harder.

  • Give them a greater purpose.

Writing an essay for a grade is not always enough to get some students engaged, especially if they are trying already. Raise the stakes and give them a greater purpose by creating unique assignments. For example, have them write a blog post they have to share with the class or a travel brochure to their favorite destination.

  • Conference with your students

Whether in small groups or one-on-one, it is necessary for teachers to pay attention to each student and identify where they are trying hard. When students feel disengaged, it may be because they think they have no the skills to do well. Make sure to target different areas for each student.

Teaching kids writing skills at home as in the classroom is essential because it shows kids multiple methods and ways to write. Writing at home also keeps what child learned in school fresher in their minds. At home, they feel free themselves than in a class. Because in a class they may be afraid of their teacher or they may be shy with their classmates. Knowing how to help kids with writing is not always easy. Here are given some ways parents can help at home:

• Task your child with writing instructions for taking care of the family pet.

• Dictate to your child what you need on your shopping list and have them write the items down.

• Have them spend five minutes after school journaling about their day.

• Write an online review of something they like.

If parents use these following instructions to teach writing pupils can achieve in writing. Hence, parents are expected to pay attention to their children. Parents should create a placeat home where their child will feel comfortable doing homework and other writing exercises. When doing exercises with them, parents should not be afraid of making it fun with crayons, colored pencils, and markers.If parents enjoy reading to their child, they should try to write a story together. By reading and writing together, they will help their child develop ideas more efficiently, which will translate to their performance in the classroom.

Improving young students’ writing skills may seem like a difficult task, but by doing a little planning yourself and finding the individual needs and problems of each student, you will be able to transform your classroom into a great writer’s workshop.


  1. Van Drie, J., Braaksma, M. & Van Boxtel, C. “Writing in history: the effects of writinginstruction on historical reasoning and text quality.”Journal of Writing Research, 7(1),2015. —P.123-156.


Абдураззакова С. Совершенствование навыков письма в начальных школах. Данная статья рассматривает улучшение навыков письма в начальных школах.

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