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Хорижий филология.  №1, 2016 йил

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                  16.  Lantolf  J.P.  &  S.  L. Thorne.  2006.  Sociocultural  Theory  and  the  Genesis  of  Second
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                  17.  Larsen-Freeman  D.  1997.  "Chaos/Complexity  Science  and  Second  Language
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                  18.  Larsen-Freeman  D. & L.  Cameron. 2008. Complex  Systems  and  Applied Linguistics.
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                  19.  Lenneberg E. H. 1967. Biological Foundations of Language. New York: Wiley.
                  20.  Lightbown  P. M. & N. Spada.  2006.  How  Languages  are  Learned  (3rd  Ed.).  Oxford:
            Oxford University Press.
                  21.  Mitchell R. & F. Myles. 2004. Second Language Learning Theories (2nd ed). London:
                  22.  Palermo D. S. 1978. Psychology of Language. Dallas: Scott, Foresman and Co.
                  23.  Pinker  S.  1994.The  Language  Instinct:  How  the  Mind  Creates  Language.  New  York:
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                  24.  Richards J.C., J. Platt & H. Platt. 1992. Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied
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                  25.  Rivers  M.  W.  1968.  Teaching  Foreign  Language  Skills.  Chicago.  Chicago  University
                  26.  Skinner F. B. 1953. Science and Human Behavior. New York: The Free Press.
                  27.  Stern  H. H.  1983.  Fundamental  Concepts  of  Language  Teaching.  Oxford.  Oxford
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                  Акбаров А. Лисоний таълим:имитацион назария ва чет тилини ўқитиш. Мазкур
            мақолада педагогик таълимотда чет тилларни ўргатишда  имитацион усул, яъни АҚШда
            “бихевиоризм”  атамасида  таниш  бўлган  метод  асосида  ўргатилишнинг  асосий
            устунликлари ва камчиликлари кўрсатиб ўтилган.
                  Akbarov A. Language teaching, the theory of imitative learning of a foreign language. The
            arricle deals with the positive and negative problems of teaching a language through the method of
            imitation or known in the USA as “beahaviorism”

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