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Хорижий филология.  №1, 2017 йил

               13.  Kachru  B.B. The Alchemy of English:  The Spread Functions  and Models of Non-Native
            English‟s. – Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1986. – 200p.

                   Бушуй  А.М.  Таълим  маконида  коммуникативлик  педагогик  фаолият  асоси
            сифатида. Мақолада чет тилларни ўрганишга коммуникатив ѐндошув аспектлари комплекс
            ўрганилади,  уларни  таълим  жараѐнига  фаол  тадбиқ  этиш  зарурияти  асосланади.  Ушбу
            масаланинг назарий жиҳатлари билан бир қаторда у билан боғлиқ ечимлар таклиф этилади.

                   Bushuy  A.M.  Communication  as  the  basis  of  pedagogical  activities  in  educational
            environment.  The  author  delivers  complex  analysis  of  communicative  approach  to  the  foreign
            languages teaching, justifies the need of its immediate introduction into the teaching practice. He
            also considers theoretical issues related to the communicative linguistics and suggests means to
            solve them.

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