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Хорижий филология. №1, 2018 йил

                                              UNITS IN UZBEK FOLKLORE

                                                    Rakhimova Shakhnoza,
                                                  Master Student of SamSIFL

                   Key words: folklore, proper names, common nouns, toponyms,  phraseology, phraseological
            units, dialectal phrazalogical units.

                  The  folklore  is  the  oldest  form  of            d)  The  complexity  of  the  research  of
            literary literature. It expresses the social life,   proper  names,  its  connection  with  a  number
            history and struggle of the people.  Although       of  subjects  (such  as  history,  geography,
            there  are  features  distinguishing  between       ethnography, archeology);
            writing literature and folklore. They are   both          e)  Theoretical  bases  for  researching
            artistic  word.  Before  the  writing  of  the      weeds are not adequately defined in science.
            literature, folklore was known as the word art.           They may be some of the reasons why
            When  literary  literature  began  to  form,        common  nouns  are  frequently  used  in  our
            folklore  influenced  its  form  and  expression    work.  And  in  many  fairy  tales,  common
            tools  and  artistic  features.  Therefore,  M.     nouns are  used for describing the character,
            Gorky  says,  "The  beginning  of  the  art  is     appearance or habit of the heroes; people use
            folklore." [1, p. 265]                              common  nouns  and  they  write  them  with
                  Folklore  is  closely  related  to  music,    capital  letter.  For  instance  in  ―Pancake  rain
            dance, in the early years had a cynical nature,     day‖  (Chalpak  yog`gan  kun)  we  may  read
            and  it  plays  a  great  deal  of  performance,    about brothers Anvar and Tambal.(3,173) The
            music, and art.                                     name  of  Tambal  is  described  the  hero  is  so
                  When  we  read  some  examples  of            lazy. Here we may see the structure
            folklore  it  is  common  to  come  across  some          COMMON                          NAME
            proper names. For example, the names of the         PROPER NAME
            legendary  mountains,  giants  like  Qorakhan,            ―tambal-lazy-ленивый,  and  it  is  used
            Boybo`ri, Dogiston, Oqtosh, Anqo and others,        like  proper  names  and  it  was  written  with
            which are used repeatedly in various poems.         capital latter.
            The  researchers  D.  Abdurakhmanov  and  H.              It  is  clear  that  the  Uzbek  people  have
            Bektemirov called them as ―returning names‘         great  written  and  spoken  literature.  Most  of
            [2, р. 181].                                        the  research  has  been  done  about  proper
                  Well, what are  proper names and why          names, but we can‘t say that they are enough.
            do not they represent a concept like common         Now  we  decided  to  analyze  some  proper
            nouns? It is clear that in linguistics, common      names in the rich Uzbek folklore. Especially
            nouns  are  detailed  and  thoroughly  studied      some proper names in the heroism epic poems
            than proper names. Here some reasons toward         ―Alpomish‖.
            proper names why they have not been learnt                 The  proper  names  in  the  epic  poem
            deeply:                                             ―Alpomish‖  can  be  found  in  two  different
                    a) Proper names do not have linguistic      ways:
            meaning,  as  common  names,  they  do  not               1.  Names  with  full  of  meaning.  Here,
            represent a concept, and a proper name is not       we  may  definitely  understand  the  full
            a  complete  word,  but  symbolic  and              meaning of the names. For instance: ―Burungi
            conditional.                                        o'tgan zamonda, o'n olti urug' Qo'ng'irot elida
                  b)  It`s difficult  to  adequately  evaluate   Dobonbiy degan o'tdi. Dobonbiydan Alpinbiy
            the role of a proper name as a language unit,       degan o'g'il farzand paydo bo'ldi. Alpinbiydan
            its functional character in speech;                 tag'i  ikki  o'g'il  paydo  bo‘ldi:  kattakonining
                  c)       All of the type of proper nouns      otini  Boybo'ri  qo'ydi,  kichkinasining  otini
            had not been learnt in the language;                Boysari  qo'ydi.  Boybo'ri  bilan  Boysari  —

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