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Хорижий филология. №1, 2018 йил

                  1.   Dialectal    phraseological   unit       units, such as disfiguring or dissatisfied in our
            associated with national traditions.                everyday speech.
                  “Bular shirxo„ra          bo„lib, nikoh              “Ko„z yoshing  oqar  Jayxun:  Sen
            yurmaydigan bo„lib  qoldi”  (Kuntug‗mush,           bunga  bo„lib  purxun, ko„z  yoshing  oqar
            p.133). In this sentence there are two dialectal    Jayxun,
            phraseological  units.  The  idiom  “Shirxo„ra      Yo  Laylimisan-Majnun,  qaydin  kelasan
            bo„lmoq”,  “Emishganlar”,  ”Bir  onani              ayg„il”  (Kuntug‗mish,  207).  In  these  verces,
            emgan”-Children  are  who  are  fed  by  one        the  phrase  "  Ko‗z  yoshing  oqar  Jayxun  "
            mother‘s  milk,  are  like  blood  brother,  they   means  to  cry,  to  tear,  to  spit.  Similarly,  a
            cannot  get  married,  so  it  is  being  used  in   combination  of  meaningful  expression,  "
            dialect  “Nikoh  yurmaydigan”.  Ana  shunda         ko‗zning yoshiga yuvar yuzini," was also used
            Hakimbekga        Oybarchindi      atashtirib,      (189 bet). Likewise, we see the use of options
            beshkirti  qip…  (Alpomish,  8-b).  Here  the       like  ―Bandi  bo„g„nin  bo„shladi”  “Humor
            idiom  ―Beshkerti  qilmoq‖  was  used,  it          ko„zni yoshladi‖, which is exactly the same as
            depends  on  Kipchak  dialect.  ―Beshkirti          the  phraseological  unit  in  the  language  of
            qilmoq// beshikka kiritmoq /solmoq‖, that is,       "Kuntugmish"(199-bet).
            the goal of putting another child to the cradle           3.  The phrazalogical unit related to the
            is  to  express  the  hope  that  their  future  lives   different  nature  and  behavior  of  animals:
            together.  The  real  meaning  the  idiom  is       “Tulkini          ingratgan          toziday:
            “Beshikka     kiritmoq”.    “Boshi     bo„sh:       Boybichchalarga shunda to„lg„oq vaqti joqin
            Qozonda  qaynagan  shirboz  go„shmidi,  Shu         jetti,   ne   kampirlar   kelib   boybichani
            qizingdi  agar boshi  bo„shmidi?  Kelin  qip        aylanib, tulkini  ingratgan  toziday  bo„p,
            biror o„rama  o„rayin”   (37).  In  these  lines,   angib, o„rtaga ob turubdi.”(Alpomish 7 bet).
            Bakhshi has used two dialectal phraseological       These     phraseological     units    include
            units,  that  is,  “Boshi  bo„sh”,  ”O„rama         phrazeological units such as ―seldang otmoq‖
            o„ramoq”,  “Boshi  bo„sh”,  the  another  form      (terlamoq,  to  sweat)  ―bo‗ynin  uzatmoq‖,  (to
            of these idiom is ―Boshi ochiq‖, and this form      walk without stopping ) ―nar-moda‖ (hezalak,
            is also used in the speech, which describes the     ), ―toy-talash‖ (xotin talash).
            meaning  of  the  unmarried  girl  or  woman.             4.  Phraseological  units  associated  with
            ”O„rama  o„ramoq”  and  the  combinations  in       various natural phenomena.
            the  dialects  of  Kipchak  are  used  in  the            “Kunning         burniminan” -quyosh
            meanings of the bride and to engage.                chiqish vaqtidagi payt- the time of the sunrise
                  2.       The     frazeological    units       ―Kunning  burniminan  to„kirlini  tuman
            associated  with  different  aspects  of  human     tutdi-atrofni   chang”-      (Ravshan)     In
            life.                                               conclusion,  the  phraseological  units  of  the
            “Ta‟til  qilmoq:-bu  alplar…har  kuniga             Uzbek  folklore  were  used  for  various
            to„qson  shirbozning  etini ta‟til qi(l)g„on”       purposes, such as description of national color
            (Alpomish, 31). The term "to have breakfast"        or  concrete  place,  as  well  as  the  above
            refers  to  the  meaning  of  this  expression.     mentioned linguistic and extruding facts, they
            “Shabgir  tortmoq:  Mo„ng„ayib  so„z  aytar         have  been  gradually  introduced  directly  and
            menday  xizmatkor,  Kecha-kunduz shabgir            indirectly  by  repertoire  of  various  singers  at
            torting yoronlar.”  (Alpomish, 62). The word        different  times.  During  the  years  of
            "shabgir  tortmoq"  in  this  sentence  serves  to   independence  our  government  has  been
            express  its  meanings  to  walk  all  day  long    paying  attention  to  the  education  so,  we
            without stopping.                                   should  admit  that  learning  and  analyzing
                  “Naza     qilmoq:     Men      bilaman        proper  nouns  in  folklore  makes  a  great
            Boysarining     qizisan?    Qimiz    bermay         contribution  to  the  progress  of  the  Uzbek
            ko„nglim naza  qilasan”(Alpomish,  47)  The         linguis
            phrase  "naza  qilmoq"  refers  to  frazeological

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