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Хорижий филология. №1, 2018 йил

            ikkovi katta bo'ldi. Boysari boy edi, Boybo'ri      and  literary  poet  of  the  school  of
            esa  shoy  edi,  bul  ikkovi  ham  farzandsiz       Kurgangscha.  We  have  written  about  this  in
            bo'ldi.‖  (Alpomish,  15-bet).  Qo'ng'irot,         our  work  pointing  that  "Kuntugmish",
            Dobonbiy, Alpinbiy, Boybo'ri, Boysari- these        "Alpomish",  "Holdorkhon"  are  used  in  the
            names  are  understandable  till  nowadays  for     language  of  poems.  We  have  made  some
            us.                                                 comments  on  the  phraseological  units,
                  2. Names which are not used nowadays,         because poets  Ergash and Fazil are different
            and  their  meaning  are  not  clear  for  us.  It   from others by the number and scale of their
            means that such kind of names is not used and       creative   repertoire,   artistic   elasticity,
            their meaning is not accessible. For instance:      originality of style.
            Qalmoqshohning  Tovka  degan  qizi  bor  edi.             As  you  know,  any  phrase  varies  from
            (254-bet).  Alpomish  aytdi:  —  o'g'rining  piri   one language into another, with a number of
            hazrati  Joltong  deguchi  edi,  hazrati Joltonga   specific features. Hence, the specific features
            sirina qolgin (264-bet).                            of the words are inherent to the phrases, and
                  Tovka, Joltong  are not  used, even, the      to  the  nature  of  all  types  of  phraseological
            meaning of them is not illustrious.                 units. That is why they are the language and
                  It  should be  admitted that the name of      speech  phenomena.  Studying  such  features
            women  are  widely  used  in  this  poem.           also  has  its  own  history  in  Uzbek
            Barchinoy,  Qaldirg`och,  Tovka,  Suqsuroy,         phraseology.  The  investigations  of  Uzbek
            Surxayl  and  etc.  Most  of  the  names  of  the   scholars    such     as     Sh.Rahmatullaev,
            women transfer their quality and beauty.            A.Mamatov,  B.  Yuldoshov,  and  Uzbek
                  Toponymes  (the  name  of  places),  are      literary critics play an important role in Uzbek
            used  frequently  in  our  legendary  poem:         linguistics (4,101).
            Angliya,    Astrobot,    Belgiya,   Bongola,              A  number  of  significant  works  have
            Guruziya,  Qo`ng`irot,  Akdashman,  Arab,           been done in the field of Uzbek phraseology.
            Arabxona,     Bo`ka,   Do`rmon,     Kenagas,        Nevertheless,  it  is  desirable  to  include  the
            Ko`rkat,  Naymancha,  Neko`z,  Sarmug`ul,           dialectal  phraseological  units  used  in  the
            Saroy, Xo`ja Tohir, Shakar ovul, Qalmoq eli,        Uzbek folk epics as well. The collection and
            Qatag`on, Qiyot, Qovunchi  etc.                     characterization of phraseological units in the
                  Azamat bosh berar dinning yo'liga,            artistic language of  Uzbek people will have a
                  Turarim  yo'q  Boysun-Qo'ng'irot  eliga       profound  impact  on  the  enrichment  of
            (23-bet).                                           lexicology  and  phraseology  of  the  Uzbek
                  Among proper nouns, we can encounter          language,  with  great  scientific  and  practical
            lots  of  names  associated  with  the  animals‘    skills.  This  is  because  of  the  history  and
            names (zoonyms) such as the names of birds,         traditions of Uzbek people, their lifestyle, and
            horses,  snakes  and  others.  For  example,        their  mother  tongue.  Of  course,  poems  are
            Boychibor (a horse), Semurg (a bird), Musna         formed as a result of verbal art, and they are
            (a snake), ajdar (dragon) are used in our saga.     influenced  by  certain  dialects  because  they
                  The  folk  epics  of  Uzbekistan  are         have been created by a group of people from
            reflected in centuries-old living conditions of     that area. The folk epics of Uzbek, which we
            the Uzbek people and original phraseological        have learned as the object of our analysis, and
            units.  Speaking  of  the  legendary  folk          they  have  been  written  by  representatives  of
            musicians,  who  have  been  inherited  from        the Kipchak language. However, as a result of
            generation to generation, have been decorated       this or that epic for centuries, from one region
            with their decent work, and with the help of        to  another  for  various  reasons,  the  plots  and
            their  talent,  the  talent  of  the  audience,  they   expressions  became  not  typical  to  the
            sang.  It  helped  to  smooth  and  poetize  the    Kipchak dialect in the depiction of events.
            poet's language. Observations show that every             In the folklore of Uzbek people, which
            principal school had a method of singing. In        we  have  analyzed,  the  color  of  dialectal
            particular,  Ergash  Jumanbulbul  ugli  has  a      phrazalogical units is structurally different.
            great literary heritage as a great representative

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