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Хорижий филология.  №2, 2016 йил

                                                       C O N T E N T S


                   Bushuy A. Formation of paroemia in the image of reality ...................................................... 5
                   Myronenko T., Dobrovolska L. Self-identity in the context of cross-cultural relations in
            contemporary American literature ..................................................................................................... 25
                   Turniyazova Sh. Some considerations of microtext and its derivational features.(based on
            the English and Uzbek languages) ..................................................................................................... 29
                   Mirzayev I. Turkik words in Ukranian language .................................................................. 33
                   Davronova Sh. “Literary affects and creative” ..................................................................... 40
                   Elmuradov N. The sentences which the subject is expressed by dative case ....................... 47
                   KhojeevA. Metaphor in newspaper discourse in the light of cognitive linguistics and
            linguoculturology ............................................................................................................................... 53
                   Paluanova X. Ecoterms in Uzbek and Karakalpak languages, and their derevational
            classification....................................................................................................................................... 58
                   Kiselyov D. Anaphoric nouns in French and their usage conditions…………………….63


                   Shodiyev S. Identification of some set expressions, compound terms and terms ................. 71
                   Begmatov M. Features of ellipsis phenomenon in German language ................................... 76
                   Raxmatullayev N. The role of national mythology in formation, development and
            regeneration of ethno culture is clarified ........................................................................................... 81
                   Xalimova F. Andrew Mobbs. The Ghazal.An Examination and Reflection of the Form ..... 85
                   Abdullayeva A. Elements of comedy in the play of Chekhov “The cherry
            orchard”«Вишнѐвый сад»................................................................................................................. 89
                   Kim S. Structural - semantic and stylistic features of infinitive sentences in the works of
            S.Yesenin. .......................................................................................................................................... 92

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