Page 124 - 2-сон 2019 йил
P. 124

Хорижий филология  №2, 2019 йил

            and  April  2019  and  the  interviews  lasted            Table 1 shows that 11 secondary school
            about  40-50minutes  and  they  were  recorded.     English teachers were selected from different
            After  the  interviews  the  researcher  looked     area  of  Samarkand  district.  6  of  them  are
            through and listened again the answers of the       female  and  5  of  them  are  male.  The  below
            interviewers  in  order  not  to  lose  important   table illustrates that 7 teachers aged 20-30 and
            data.                                               4 teachers aged over 30. Most of teachers had
                  Results and discussion.                       at least 5 years of teaching experience
                                     Table 1. Main information about the interviewers.

                      Area     Name                    Gender          Age             Teaching
                   Badal       Umerzoqova              F               38              12
                   village     Mavsuma

                               Sharofzoda Shohida      F               28              8
                               Ochilov Muhammad        M               24              3
                               Raupov Bahodir          M               25              1
                               Saidov Bobur            M               32              13
                               Rahimova Gulchehra      F               29              7
                   Sochak      Sattorova Dilafruz      F               35              14
                               Tolibov Kamol           M               55              35
                               Esanova Ohista          F               25              3
                               Amonov Doston           M               23              1
                               Hurshedova Nigina       F               26              5

                  According  to  the  research  there  are      computers. In this case teachers of other grade
            some  challenges  of  using  ICT  in  secondary     pupils  of  school  may  conduct  their  lessons
            schools in teaching EFL. They are:                  without using computers however they should
                  1.  Lack  of  computers,  technologies        use IC devices as there are listening tasks in
            and maintenance                                     each lesson. It is demanded from teachers to
                  2.  Lack of internet access                   use  their  own  IC  technologies  but  most  of
                  3.  Lack of technical supports                them  may  not  access  ICT,  as  they  are
                  4.  Lack of time                              expensive.
                  1.  Lack  of  computers,  technologies              Similarly,  Esanova  Ohista  from  11
            and maintenance.                                    secondary  school  shared  her  frustration
                  Nowadays  secondary  schools  should          connected  with  technical  problems  of  IT
            have  technologies  and  equipments,  however       equipments.
            interviewed  teachers  were  not  satisfied  with         There  are  not  any  computers  in
            the  facilities  of  the  school.  Shohida          classrooms,  if  a  teacher  wants  to  show  any
            Sharofzoda who is a teacher of primary level        presentations  or  electronic  textbooks  and
            pupils said:                                        materials or videos there are not any facilities
                  In  our  school  there  are  only  2  laptops   to present prepared materials. If there is only
            for  6  English  teachers,  but  both  of  them  are   one  in  this  case  the  teacher  should  ask  who
            not functioning well, for primary level pupils      are  using  in  his/her  lesson  in  advance  to
            we should use computers in order to motivate        borrow  only  an  hour.  If  there  is  no  problem
            them  in  learning  foreign  language  every        with electricity the teacher can use IC device.
            lesson,  as  the  class  pupils  are  taught              Moreover,  Tolibov  Kamol,  a  very
            separately,  and  both  teachers  should  have      senior teacher of secondary school in Sochak,

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