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Хорижий филология.  №3, 2016 йил

                  3.    Brown,  P.  and  Levinson  S.,  (1987).  Politeness:  Some  Universals  of  Language  Usage.
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                  9.  Ervin-Tripp, S. (1972) 'Sociolinguistic Rules of Address' in Pride and Holmes, eds.
                  10.  Fairclough, N., (1991). Language and Power. London, Longman.
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                  15.  Kasper, G. &  Bloom-Kulka, S., (1993). Interlanguage Pragmatics. Oxford, OUP.
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                  20.  Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition, New York, Portland.
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                  Акбаров  А.  Тилдаги  яратувчанлик  ва  ундан  фойдаланиш  инсонга  хос  хусусият
            саналади.  Мақолада  инсон  мияси  ва  маданий  тушунчанинг  тилга  алоқадор  бўлиши  ва
            маданият ҳамда тил тадқиқотларининг ўзаро муносабатлари тадқиқ этилади. Бу орқали
            тилдан     фойдаланишда       тил    ва    жамият          муносабатлари      этнолингвистика,
            социолингвистика,  антропологик  лингвистика,  прагматика,  дискурс  таҳлил,  контрастив
            риторика,  амалий  тилшунослик,  когнитив  лингвистика  каби  йўналишларда  акс  этиши
                  Akbarov  A.  Creativity  of  the  language  and  using  the  language  as  communication  is
            peculiar to human being. The article deals with close relation of cognition and culture and reveals
            the relationship with language. Language use investigations of social understanding are studied at
            linguistic branches such as ethnic linguistics, sociolinguistics, anthropology, pragmatics, discourse
            analysis, contrastive linguistics, and cognitive linguistics.

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