Page 94 - 3-2017
P. 94
Хорижий филология.№3, 2017 йил
Касимова Адиба,
SamSIFL teacher
Key words: motivation, awareness, component, the English language, acquisition, teacher,
learner, feedback.
It is the topic the teacher selects for able to discuss it in and out of the class. While
activities to awake students‘ interest to intake in class learners‘ work together
the motivation and able interact with other accomplishing challenging the tasks in pairs,
students within the class. Even if the topic has have group work assignments, project work
been carefully chosen, teacher try to meet and tasks based on individual learning
students‘ motivation and atmosphere in which process. So, in fact all of them interrelated in
they work and learn collaboratively, some of the process of learning. If the topic of a lesson
them still may perceive it as pointless to is related to the grammar aspect ―Future
interact with some other learners. In the frame forms‖ students brainstorm the rules and
of the syllabus of the curriculum teacher expressions in which they are commonly can
embarks upon the theme making it more live be traced. In no time the suggestions and
challenging students to take part in activities. examples are answered out. Consequently,
The set grand aims in the study is a core teacher listens and consolidates the task going
component in classroom activities; teacher over reminding them with vivid specimens
can assist the subtopics and supplementary like reformulating those in brief expressing an
materials with clearly instructed tasks to raise intention, a prediction, a future fact based on a
learners‘ motivation and participation at timetable, an arrangement between people, a
lessons. Teacher gives in the subject based spontaneous decision, a suggestion.
knowledge applying it at the specific lesson Afterwards in the connection with the topic
but there are so many characteristics implies teacher gives a question for whole class ―How
apart from conducting the live lesson. The do you see your future?‖ instructing them to
fact of the matter is initially he/she becomes use only future while listening the responses
an observer of the phenomenon. Teacher is in class teacher writes records in his/her
the observer, sees students‘ needs, the ways of personal record book to write a feedback for
teaching activities is more advantageous and the student‘s each as it will keep both the
foresees the outcome of the classroom teacher and the learner in corporative learning
participation by analysis facilitating them for work. Some students may find themselves
further applicable teaching, taking into belittled when the teacher interferes in the
account having been experienced results respond making error correction in the
within so called teacher‘s in class individual conversation. In this regard, the feedback is
research. Not often can teacher find relevant the best way out to point them.
topics in the interest of them in case to TEACHER LISTENER-OBSERVER
provoke students‘ awareness. Possible, STUDENT-SPEAKER TEACHER-
teacher discovers that somehow they are not RECIPTOR FEEDBACK
enjoyable and instrumental for most of the The Feedback is the result of observed
learners at a time. What is more, working out process and participation of learners to keep
the topic through activities we would rather them in practice in teaching process which
carefully monitor the organization of our presents the evidence of their evaluating and
lesson activities with reference to our analysis pointing out their improvements and the lacks
in the achievement the grand aims to develop in some areas in fulfilling the assignment
the target motivation holding the hands of the which can be handed in later. Then teacher
learners in discovering something new at introduces next task with listening activity
lessons. The targeted things lead them to be which they listen CD and asked them to