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Хорижий филология.№3, 2017 йил

            number the person in each dialogue given in                On  the  whole,  some  personal
            the  handout.  Some  other  relevant  tasks  as     objectives  of  the  lesson  for  the  teacher  is  to
            filling  in  gaps  are  done  written  using        raise students motivation in class on teacher‘s
            appropriate  tenses  amongst  Present  Simple,      account.
            Present  Perfect,  Future  Simple  or  Future              TASK  1:  Introduce  the  topic  using
            Continuous. After teacher has checked out the       authentic materials.
            task in class, the other assignment is followed            TASK 2: Facilitate them in class.
            dealing with  the completion the questions  in             TASK  3:  Being  a  teacher  as  an
            most natural future forms.                          observer.
                   For example:                                        TASK  4:  Conducting  the  personal
                1.  Where _____ (you) go on holiday this        record  book  for  handing  in  feedback
                    year?                                       afterwards  to  students  to  raise  their
                2.  How _____ (you get) there?                  motivation  (writing  and  pointing  out  the
                3.  How long _____ (you be) away for?           errors).
                4.  Which hotel ______(you stay) in?                   TASK 5: Using interrelating activities
                5.  What time _____ (your flight arrive)?       to help learners to become more aware of the
                6.  What____ (you do) while you are on          subject matter.
                    holiday?                                           TASK  6:  Whatever  they  do  they
                   Take  them  time  to  look  through  and     should feel at ease themselves and follow the
            ask to work in pairs so that each of them will      grand aims.
            be involved in this task. Each task should be              Indeed,     teacher‘s     competence
            worked out carefully so they can comprehend         progressively  develops  the  tools  if  above
            the notion of the future forms used in the task.    mentioned  factors  are  expected  to  be  as
            Related  to  the  topic  follows  the  extract  or   motivation for learners to implement them in
            article, which is based on authentic materials      practice:   subject    knowledge,     subject
            ―Nobody  listens  to  us‖,  first  preliminary      application,  class  management,  assessment
            questions  are  given  to  make  them  more         and  recording  of  learner‘s  progress,  further
            engaged what the topic in general is and they       professional development.
            are going to discuss.
                1.  Listening to Teach Science Activities for Student Teachers and Mentors. Edited by Martin
            Monk and Justin Dillon. The Falmer Press, 1996.
                2.  The student-centered classroom, Leo Jones. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
                3.  Teaching  Listening  and  Speaking  from  theory  to  Practice,  Jack  C.Richards.  Cambridge
            University Press, 2008.

                   Kaсимова  A.  Повышение  мотивации  и  компетентности  в  практике.  В  этой
            статье рассматривается некоторые компоненты и задания, способствующие повышению
            интереса     учащегосяи     адекватному      применениюанглийского       языка    в   практике.
            Подчеркивается,  что  преподаватель  оказывает  содействие  в  улучшении  навыков  и
            предлагает методы, стратегии по развитию компетенцию учащихся в овладении английски
            языком не только посредством мотивации, но и внедрении осведомлѐнности в преподавание
            английского языка.
                   Kaсимова  A.  Amalda  turtki  va  salohiyatni  oshirish.  Ushbu  maqolada  talabaning
            qiziqishlariga va ingliz tilini amalda qo'llashda yordam beradigan ba'zi tarkibiy qism va vazifalar
            ko'rib chiqiladi. O'qituvchining ko'nikmalarni takomillashtirishga ko'maklashishi va o'quvchilarni
            nafaqat  motivatsiya  orqali  emas,  balki  ingliz  tilini  o'qitishda  xabardorlikni  joriy  etish  bo'yicha
            metodlar, strategiyalarni ishlab chiqishi ham ta'kidlanadi.

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