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Хорижий филология №4, 2019 йил
deeper either a story as a whole or specific idea originating from outside the text. "Egri
characters or themes. va to’g’ri" tale is an allusion to the famous
Aside from helping children to get real-life evil and goodness.
good grades on homework, there are several An anachronism occurs when there is
benefits to knowing the techniques authors an (intentional) error in the chronology or
commonly use. timeline of a text. This could be a character
Being able to identify when different who appears in a different time period than
literary techniques are being used helps you when he actually lived, or a technology that
understand the motivation behind the author’s appears before it was invented. A Middle
choice. For example, being able to identify aged poets used a word, "kayd" means ancient
symbols in a story can help children figure and would be an anachronism, since this type
out why the author might have chosen to of language is still used but with another
insert these focal points and what these might meaning as noted.
suggest in regard to her attitude toward An anthropomorphism occurs when
certain characters, plot points, and events. In something nonhuman, such as an animal,
addition, being able to identify literary place, or inanimate object, behaves in a
devices can make a written work's overall human-like way. Children's cartoons have
meaning or purpose clearer to children. For many examples of anthropomorphism. For
instance, planning to read (or re-read) Finally, example, Bo’riboy and Tulkioy can speak,
literary techniques are important to know wear clothes, sing, dance and etc. Real
because they make texts more interesting and animals as wolf and fox can't do any of these
more fun to read. If children were to read a things, but the two cartoon characters behave
novel without knowing any literary devices, much more like humans.
chances that they wouldn't be able to detect Colloquialism is the use of informal
many of the layers of meaning interwoven language and slang. It's often used by authors
into the story via different techniques. to lend a sense of realism to their characters
Below is a list of literary means, most and dialogue. Forms of colloquialism include
of which often come across in both prose and words, phrases, and contractions that aren't
poetry. We explain what some literary terms real words. "Aka, nima qivossiz?" This piece
are and give an example of how it's used. of dialogue is an example of a colloquialism,
An allegory is a story that is used to since it uses common everyday words and
represent a more general message about real- phrases, namely "qivossiz" and "aka." These
life (historical) issues and/or events. Uzbek words have another meanings such to do
national tale “Qumush va Qimmat” an something and brother but in this dialogue
allegory for the heroines not only in names these words function as colloquialisms.
but also in characters and behavior of An epigraph is typically written by a
heroines. In the story, girls meet with evil and different writer (with credit given) and used
goodness and their characters correspond to as a way to introduce overarching themes or
actual real figures. messages in the work. Some pieces of
Alliteration is a series of words or literature, such as Abdulla Qahhor’s story
phrases that all (or almost all) start with the “O’g’ri” (Thief), G’afur G’ulom’s “Vaqt”
same sound. These sounds are typically (Time) incorporate multiple epigraphs
consonants to give more stress to that syllable. throughout. At the beginning of Abdulla
They often come across alliteration in poetry, Qahhor’s story “Bemor” (Patient) an epigraph
titles of books and poems and tongue twisters. that consists of proverb "Osmon yiroq, yer
"O’zi oyday irakli shildir shildir chalganing qattiq" meaning that heaven are far but the
ohanglari xilma-xildir" in this tongue twister, ground is hard..
the "sh" and “x” sound is repeated at the Epistrophe is the repeated word or
beginning of all major words. phrase appears at the end of stories. In
Allusion is when an author makes an syllables we repeats the word "alla" in a use
indirect reference to a figure, place, event, or of epistrophe: "Urush qursin, der ekan-o, alla,